We regret to inform you of the passing of
Rabbi Dovid Cohen ע”ה
The levaya will take place today, Oct. 15th
at 3:00 PM at Shomrei Hadas
3803 14th Avenue in Brooklyn.
The aron will leave from JFK for Eretz Yisroel
at 7 pm with a second levaya taking place at
Mosdos Kol Brama in Bet Shemesh on Monday afternoon (time unknown).
The kevura will take place in Eretz Hachaim in Bet Shemesh.
Shiva information to follow.
at 3:00 PM at Shomrei Hadas
3803 14th Avenue in Brooklyn.
at 7 pm with a second levaya taking place at
Mosdos Kol Brama in Bet Shemesh on Monday afternoon (time unknown).