Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
I’m not complaining. I’m just saying….
Like could you have taken it to the bank that on the summer’s very first gorgeous Sunday we’d have a Fast day? And of course, the best beach day ever?! One, so hot, we couldn’t take advantage of, or we’d have melted.
I know Gd has a reason for everything!
But, we just couldn’t get to “contemplate” what it was enjoying the day, sitting outside on the sand or floating in the clear blue sea.
Admittedly, I was fortunate enough be in completely tolerable air conditioning where I could contemplate about it.
Therefore-You may be wondering – well did she come up with the answer to share with all of us? The answer is a resounding no. After all, who can think on an empty stomach?!
Truthfully, it wasn’t that bad for me, not eating. I know some people have a much harder time fasting than others. I for one do pretty well, thank Gd. It could be my general makeup? It could be that I’m not really a coffee drinker so I don’t get a headache or just the way the chips fell. I guess it’s something I could contemplate on too. But who dotes on their good fortunes?
No- – – if we are going to think about “why” Gd does what he does, it’s definitely going to be the negative things that happens to us.
No one has a real problem with being blessed. That, we kind of take for granted.
No one will meet up with Gd and want answers such a why’d I have good health, or wealth, or good looks – “Seriously, what were you thinking Gd”?
We are an inquisitive breed. But, selectively so. Therefore, maybe we are not really curious about the “why” after all or we’d be asking it about everything. Perhaps, we are really just protesting!
So let’s make a deal to take a summer challenge?!
Let’s ask “why” -of the good things?
Why the beautiful day?
Why getting home without a scratch on our car?
Why that delicious, sweet melon?
Why that smiling little face of my child or grandchild?
Why such a supportive family member?
Why such a good night’s sleep?
Why was the plane on time, the GPS right, the music so pretty, the party so much fun?
Ok, I see, I’m just getting started here. Can you see how I could probably find like at least hundred good things to ask why about if I stick with it. And that’s the summer challenge I’m going for.
The challenge here is – – – – Can each of you?
And – “Why not” have a great summer while trying to do so?!!!!
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com