Help Us Smile Again
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
In this world of pain there’s promise. Promise of a better tomorrow. And fear there will be a worse one.
Sometimes we get major whacks. Sometimes individually, and sometimes as a group, as we did last Saturday in the United States.
Sometimes, it’s too soon to start cheering people up. Though, we have to go there eventually. Because it is our job to move forward. To take what we experience and use our wisdom to help inform and cope with our tomorrows.
And all along there is the edict, “Ivdu et hashem bisimcha- Worship Gd with joy.” Even when we are not feeling so joyful?
Our job is to get back to that place.
Gd asks us not just to be connected. But to do it with simcha!
Welcome to my mini dilemma. I write an insight and coaching section, but I usually lace it with light humor.
But- where’s the humor in destruction.? Where is the humor in disrespect for human life and innocence?
Fortunately, we are blessed to have communities that pull together.
There is some simcha in that.
We are blessed to have spiritual leaders that guide us toward perspective.
And some simcha in that!
We are blessed to have resiliency, optimism and emunah.
And some simcha in that!
We are blessed to have faith in the hope of better tomorrows.
Let’s all take our capacity to speak to Gd and use that to open channels of connection to call out to Gd and say, “we want to worship you with greater joy/ with greater simcha-please help make it easy for us!”
And that way, I can get back to the business of writing stuff that reminds us to grow -while laughing at ourselves, and while lightening up our attitudes towards our hopefully very manageable challenges!
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or