The UK

The UK
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS


I’m not the biggest world traveler.


In fact, New Jersey is usually a major excursion for me.


But this past week I went to London and Liverpool.


Now the importance of getting there was not about seeing the Queen. It’s not like I’m worried about her not being around for me to see at some later date. Her hubby is 97 and her Mum was 102 when she passed on. And that was years ago. Therefore, at 92, the Queen’s practically a spring chicken, so no rush to get there on her account.


Also, there was no rush to get there before Brexit was resolved. They’ve been struggling with that for months. And in fact, while I was there, they somehow voted the prime minister back in.  So, I think for now the struggle with how to move forward on Brexit is not at risk of being resolved so suddenly that I needed to run over there for the hoopla.


I’d like to say it was a pure vacation! But, that’s not how I travel. It’s usually part of some agenda. And this time it was to see my husband’s childhood heroes, the Beatles, perform.


Whoops, did I say Beatles, I meant to say Beatle! Yes, Paul McCartney was performing in his home town of Liverpool.


Therefore, hours before the concert we made our way to Liverpool to tour all the Beatle’s famous haunts. The places where they grew up, wrote their songs, and got their inspiration. I felt, la’havdeal, like it feels when I go to Israel and visit all the kevarim (burial sites) of the great Rabbis.


Of course, it wasn’t the same thing. But tell that to the hundreds of other fans who were there, and they’ll surely disagree, or more likely, do worse to you.


This band, more accurately its songs, and its members, moved a whole generation, maybe even two or three, to deify them.


What was it that they had that other groups did not?


I’m not sure. But, I can try out some ideas on you and you can see if any speak to you.


Their combinations, manners, and style, role modeled good relationship skills and good habits.


Here are some examples:


-There was not just one lead singer. There were at least 2. And they all actually wrote and sang some of the songs. Therefore, no one made the other feel small; no one stood out as the STAR to the exclusion of the other members!  (Except, actually the most background person, the drummer, Ringo Starr.)


-They knew to work hard on being in harmony.


-They chatted with their audiences and made them really feel that they mattered.


-They used humor to lighten things up.


-And through their lyrics they supported and inspired:

  • They encouraged- don’t be afraid, take a sad song and make it better.


  • They didn’t get overly aggravated – they let it be.


  • They appreciated getting home – they knew everything would be alright, yeah!


  • They knew friends are important- ooooh I get by with a little help from my friends.


  • They even ate healthy! – they espoused -strawberry fields forever.


  • And ultimately, they knew it’s all about love- I love you, yeah yeah yeah!!!


Now, I know, it could be that they simply became popular because they were talented! And again, even for some, because they were all just so cute and charming.


But, I’d like to think that it was those exceptional qualities, I’ve highlighted, that have people connecting to them time and again….


Alternatively, perhaps, I could postulate that they secretly, had gotten smeecha (were ordained as rabbis)!    And that’s what keeps fans, following every move they made or make, even now, years after two are gone and two are separately still spreading their words.


So, my fans …. Ta ta for the moment. And I do hope you enjoyed the simply brilliant insight! Well – Off now to a spot of tea!




Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or

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