Getting It All Together

Getting it All Together!
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS



So, Let’s talk about preparing for Passover!


Did you just break out in a sweat?


This very sentence does something different to every person. The question is why?


The answer is because for every person this concept creates different images!


For some it raises old images of scrubbing the floor, even on hands and knees, or taking a toothpick and cleaning out the very teeny tiniest corners of the drawers.


For some it just screams shopping, shopping, shopping!!!! It could be for food, clothes, or sanity- if they sell it.


For others it means spring cleaning.  And as many times as the Rabbis say that’s not what this is supposed to be; How can one resist updating the closets once you’re in there.


Some have a whole different experience. It could be figuring out how many boxes of Shmura matzah to order. And then of course that depends on which kazayis chart you use. This person also usually is in charge of how many bottles of wine to order. And all that is influenced by the size of their cup. Probably, both the one on their table and the one sitting on their shoulders.


Now, for some it’s all about the suitcases. And I’m not talking about the ones that you stash away your chametz in. Rather the ones you load up to get your entire wardrobe to your Pessach destination. Oy the packing.


So, whether it’s cleaning, packing, or chejboning … no one thinks of it as a real picnic. And of course, who would, you can’t even have a slice of bread for a sandwich?!


So, what’s Pessach prep about?


Just realizing that sometimes you need to stop, regroup, rethink and realize you’ve got this! If you just put a little more time and effort in.



is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or

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