The Cycle

The Cycle

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

The perpetual struggle.

There is probably more than one that comes to mind.

I bet some of you can fill this in with a lot of different ones.

So, which am I talking about?

Let me give you some hints….

It often gets resolved and returns.

There’s more than one way you can choose to address it.

It afflicts many across gender, race, and religious divides.

And it makes you crazy.

Did you get it?

Ok – here it is- trying to lose weight.

There’s always a new rage for what can help, Gyms, trainers, nutritionists, diet programs….

In Reality- we all know the easiest way to get it done! Just shut our mouths!

But that reality has nothing to do with life?!

The reality that is relevant is that no one has that kind of self-control. Shut your mouth? Oh sure, that’s easy when sleeping!

But, home in the kitchen, tempted at a shmorgas board, ordering from a menu, or bored at work- nah that ain’t happening!

The mind may say no- but the mouth says yes!

 Then the lips part and the teeth get involved the saliva kicks in and the stomach is doomed. And boom you’ve self-sabotaged once again.

So, you explore the next proactive options.

You join a gym. That helps because you’re too embarrassed to eat there.

If somehow you manage to still gain through this- The trainer is your next move. The trainer is a person you can also complain to about how hard this all us. So that helps a bit.

But if you still find yourself finding the kitchen….

The nutritionist is your next stop.

The nutritionist is a person that forces you to be accountable. And if that works – great. If it doesn’t you go for all out support….

The diet program which provides accountability plus it adds in people to be embarrassed in front of or commiserate with.

So, if the gym does it for you, you can probably stop right there. You go there, you work hard, and you say, “ok I had to work this hard, I’m not adding more calories to force me to do more of this”.

If that doesn’t do it for you- You need someone to show up at your house. There’s where the personal trainer comes in. So, they make sure you exercise, and they offer an empathetic ear.

If you need a tougher person- Empathy is not the order of the day. Discipline is the way to go!

You’re paying up for the nutritionist, but maybe that helps you step up to the plate. Woops, I mean step away from the plate.

Finally, there’s a bunch of new diet plans to explore.

If you’ve been through all of them. And you’re back to square one and pound 15O or more, then I guess you get why I refer to this as the perpetual struggle.

Hopefully, you are somebody who doesn’t identify with this at all. However, if you do, here’s wishing you that the next creative  plan you try stops the cycle for you!!!!!!!

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or


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