Where’s Your Bread Buttered?

Where’s Your Bread Buttered?

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

 Let me out!

 Or should I say let me in?!

 I kind of feel a little inside out!

 Well, maybe that’s cause we are all bringing the inside out?!

 That’s how the holiday of Succoth works. We take our homes outside.

 No matter the temperature, we are supposed to find our way to a temporary hut. That is located under the sky, where we are supposed to look up and recognize that it’s not our painted, sheet-rocked, recessed-lighted, ceiling that is protecting us. But rather that it is Gd.

 I’m just saying…. If I agree to the fact that it is Gd right now, can we forgo -the whole construct the Succah, decorate it, find tables and chairs to stuff in it – thing. And can we then avoid the schlepping multiple gourmet meals outside and setting up those ineffective bee contraptions.  You know -The ones that therefore force us to spend lunches with millions of upside-down plastic cups strewn throughout the table, observing our fine flapping friends being frustrated to get out and share our wine and grape juice.

 Trust me I get it that my house is temporary. Is there not a week where something goes on the fritz?  There’s always some reminder that this is all fleeting. An oven breaking, a toilet running, a faucet leaking, or an alarm sounding. Even the smoke detector weighs in. Rarely about a smoke problem though. It’s usually just some continuous irritating tone just to let us know its battery has run out!

 So why go into the succah?

 Well maybe it’s true that sometimes we do get a little too comfy at home. We might get all wrapped up in all the things we bought and used to create a homey atmosphere. Maybe just maybe we have those moments where we think, I bought it, I renovated it, I decorated it.  I created it.   This is where my security comes from!

 And that’s where Succoth comes in. To remind us where our bread is truly buttered. And it’s not on our respective kitchen tables as we think. But rather wherever Gd provides the bread and the butter.

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com

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