Ring a Ding

Ring a Ding

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

So, there you are sneaking a little peak. Because after all, it’s ok for you to do it!  It’s just upsetting when everybody else does it.

After all, you’ve got friends, kids, business obligations, a husband, a wife, someone, who might be needing you or reaching out to you.

I call it cell phone etiquette….

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you – down the drain! Because you, need to see who might have contacted you in the last little bit of time! What’ s everyone else’s excuse?!

What are you actually proposing – everyone else just landed here from Mars completely disconnected from any one on earth?  Only you have obligations and things to do or people to reach?

Nah. It’s simply that you believe, your few seconds of distraction is no big deal. It’s just like a sneeze when you’re driving a car (short, quick, hardly a blip) and really unavoidable, and come on …actually no big impediment to anyone.

But wait – what if everyone on the road started sneezing all at once, it might look like bumper cars out there!

We are getting so that we can’t pay attention to one another because we are busy with our stuff.

We have become cell phone junkies. We just don’t get it. We are making all the people around us invisible. And everyone not present more important!

We are getting to the point where we would do better to leave a room and text someone rather than stay there and talk, if we really want their undivided attention.

Sure, if you are out and about alone

and you want to get stuff done then it’s great to have that phone. It’s like a portable office -with no overhead Brilliant!

But we just have to realize that when a client comes in, they would need your undivided attention or ultimately the deal falls apart.

I’m not saying it’s easy. But, it’s time to try a little harder or else we’ll all be sneezing all over, not seeing each other, and making one another feel like we are sitting in quarantine.

Woops – Gotta go my phone’s ringing!!!!

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