The Dating Challenge
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
“We need to get married,
Us girls and us boys.
We can’t just stay home,
Plus this family noise! ”
“Usually we come and go,
As we work and we date.
But this is ridiculous,
We can’t unsuccessfully zoom date.”
You’d think it would be great ,
Avoiding travel or expense.
Just dress up- even half way ,
And see if the person makes sense.
The problem is this,
when they get on the zoom.
Somehow 20 other faces,
Might show up in the zoom room!
The password goes crazy,
They are suddenly not alone.
They need to disconnect and,
Resort to talking on the phone.
The internet goes down,
And they spend half of the date,
Looking for the youngest family member, Only they can set technology straight.
Everyone comes into the room,
That they’ve chosen to be alone.
How can they find privacy,
When everyone is living at home.
The baby starts screaming,
Wait – Whose kid is that anyway?
It belongs to the people ,social distancing,
From too few feet away!
They’ve dressed up so perfectly,
At least from the waist up.
And then there’s an emergency,
And they suddenly must stand up.
The date goes really well,
and they plan to do this again.
But their hundreds of zooms get mixed up,
And they wind up seeing other women or men.
The people they meet,
Are more discouraging then when they dated in person.
And they think stuck at home was enough,
They didn’t think their mood could worsen.
So ….
Can someone please suggest,
Some girls and some guys.
And try to make them awesome,
So daters can get a good surprise!
If we can make something happen,
And things can go right.
Then all of this seclusion,
would feel much more alright.
And ——
The best news of all
Yes -the sadness would dissipate,
But even better news,
No one would have to wait.
Because ….
As we all know –
The great news of these days,
Is there is absolutely no shortage ,
of available backyards and driveways!
So take the dating challenge and make something happen for someone!!!!
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or