Rivki: Goodbye CO2

Goodbye CO2

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

Bring it on.

We are more than ready.

After a year of breathing in our own Co2 can anyone blame us for the crazy things we do?!

Trees are supposed to be breathing in this stuff, not us!

It seems we’re denying them their food and we are  starting to act like the fruits they are meant to bear.

Sour like lemons.

Feeling Squeezed like an orange.

Losing appeal like a skinned apple.

Basically, somewhat nutty.

As the summer tries to turn the corner and  bring warm weather back into our lives, perhaps it’s time to make sure once again we get outdoors and start “giving back”- that is -the co2 to the atmosphere.

I mean, I get it.  Life can be more fun being less facially exposed…..

Every day’s a game show- “Name those eyes!

It goes sort of like this:

Someone has a moment of recognition comes up to you and says “hello how are you doing?

You – the sudden contestant, stares and suddenly responds “oh– it’s you?” Ding! ding! ding!  You’ve won the refrigerator on the stage or the living room set just revealed behind the curtain. Hooray. What unexpected fun and excitement!!!

In the less successful cases. There’s no eye recognition and a squinted – “Who are you, I don’t recognize you with your mask”.

Gong! –you’re out,  you’ve lost the big prize!

But, luckily, all the time that you are out and about, there’s always the possibility of another opportunity to win the big prize.

So, it kind of makes sense that you don’t want to go back to the boring life of just seeing everyone’s face straight on.  No mystery, no opportunity!

But there are benefits we’ve forgotten about how great it can be to have our faces front and center.

Sure, you may need to put more effort in. You may need to start putting on face makeup again. Or you made need to smile a lot more often.

But, imagine how great it would be not having your ears dragged down  from the sides of  your head. Imagine what it would be like to wear a necklace again that didn’t have a shmata hanging from it.

Imagine what it would be like to just breathe in and out  and not Re absorb  your own  co2.

I’m ready for it.

How about you?

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