By: Suri Davis
In this week’s torah portion, we see that G-d destroys the world because of evil, evil between man and his fellow man. Last week’s torah portion, Genesis, we read how G-d created man in His image with the potential to act and be G-dlike, merciful, kind, charitable, forgiving.
After the waters receded, we learn that there was a group of people who were kind to each other, and were united for a common purpose. HOW WONDERFUL that would appear to be. They were building a tower to reach the sky to determine if there was a G-d. What a misguided use of togetherness and unification, and as G-d had created man as both man and woman, united, and then divided them into two beings, and it is the goal of man in his life to come together with woman to accomplish being G-dlike by creating further humans, so too, in this week’s torah portion, G-d punished the group of people united to build the Tower of Babel, by dividing them into 70 different languages so they could not accomplish their dastardly purpose of reaching G-d. And this too become an infinite goal to unite people for a common cause, to be G-dlike by creating community which could be kind to each other and be builders who are G-dlike.
So it is that this morning I woke up to scenes of “Jews for Ceasefire” who had literally sat themselves in the United States Capitol halls demanding a ceasefire. And then there is the Neturei Karta, also united, to see the destruction of Jews in their homeland. It reminds me of why Jews feel pigs are abhorrent to us, in that they try to say look at me I have split hooves, I am kosher, when it is a deceit, it is not kosher.
At first blush, you want to say, hey look how nice it is that Jews are united with a message to Congress, like those who were building the Tower of Babel, their mission is misguided.
As to those who are united for Hamas on university campuses, among them Jews?
The Arab countries were brilliant taking their millions from OPEC profits and pumping them into American universities, establishing Middle East studies programs and classes which skew against israel and effectively turn these institutions of higher learning into the equivalent of Hamas kindergartens inculcating young and naive students w jihad anti-Israel propaganda.
The answer is not pulling Jewish money, which I believe is reactionist and myopic and a short-term message, but establishing professorship chairs to teach objective Jewish history, and funding Jewish unions to get out a stronger message. Jewish students on college campuses are under siege from the rage and barbarism of the Hamas-supporting students, many of whom are misguided Jews themselves.
I believe the following is verified letter from Rabbi Yotav Eliach, Principal of Rambam to NYU regarding the application of students for early decision at NYU:
From Rabbi Eliach to NYU admissions in response to their email to him:
“Dear Yotav,
This month, we’re exploring how Early Decision works ahead of the NYU’s November 1 EDI deadline, offering advice on what applicants should ask their college admissions reps, and more!”
Rabbi Eliach’s response:
“You sent me an email inviting my Orthodox Zionist Jewish students to apply early decision to NYU. Really?
Let me get to the point. You have too many faculty members and students who support Islamo – Nazi Hamas and Islamic Jihad Terror organizations. The slogans: Free Palestine, and From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free all means one thing: GENOCIDE. Real Genocide of my People. Not imagined Genocide like the one that the protesters say happened or is happening to the Arabs of Gaza or the Arabs of Judea and Samaria. Since 1967 their populations have quadrupled.
What happened in the Israeli towns across the border from HAMAS controlled Gaza on October 7 2023, was a Pogrom, a mini Holocaust. 1300 of my people were butchered, raped, beheaded, burnt alive, tortured because they were Jews. To me and Millions of Jews like me in Israel and the rest of the world, the rules of the game have changed.
The Lunatic Left and the Islamo – Nazis at NYU and other “institutions of higher learning”, think its “progressive” “revolutionary” to support the genocide of the Jewish Nation, especially in our homeland. The fact that some of these students or teachers may have been born Jewish is no different than the Jews who collaborated with the Nazis. Their “Jewishness” is irrelevant to me and millions of my fellow Jews. This game is over, it’s done. It’s not 1943 – 1944 our enemies will not throw us into ovens or slaughter us. We had no state or Army then. We do now. With God’s help the IDF and the rest of Israel’s Security forces, will send a very clear and loud message to all the Jew Haters: The rules of the game have changed. It’s 2023, and there will be a heavy price to pay for what the Islamo Nazis did on October 7th.
Your professors and students can chant that you want to throw us into ovens or the sea. I know: Free Speech. I guess all your “progressive” ideas of “Hate Speech” and “Microaggressions” dont apply to Jews. Not surprised. But we are not worried or scared. We are just enlightened. Our eyes are open. You really expect us to send our sons and daughters to your school? So they can go back in time, say 1943 Germany. So they can be threatened and told that they should be burned, gassed, shot, raped, tortured? Really? And we should pay for the privilege of exposing our children to what you believe is “Education”. Think again. NYU and other schools like you deserve your Lunatic Left and Islamo Nazi professors and students. Enjoy each other’s company. You will probably be pleased when NYU will eventually be Judenrein – German for Jew Free. I think we will make it happen. Oh yes, our money will leave with us as well. But, I bet you will find many wealthy Leftists and Islamo Nazis to contribute to your endowments.
Yotav Eliach – yes the name is Hebrew and Israeli. Does that constitute a microaggression?”
As to President Biden’s trip to Israel, I kept getting memes of praise from New York friends and those in Israel, and it is misguided as well. Biden went to Israel to interfere in its government and blackmail it. Biden wants to give $100mm in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza, which he knows will fall into the hands of Hamas as they sing and dance at Biden’s naivete and his single-handed support of equating Israel’s barrage with Hamas’ barrage.
Biden’s trip and his staff permitting Arabs to back out of meeting with the President of the United States publicly shaming him, and yet Biden continues to give Hamas aid? Don’t thank Biden and don’t focus on him,he is a lame duck. Don’t Kowtow to him and don’t believe our salvation is going to come from him. We know Jewish history well enough to know that when we made agreements with Egypt and Assyria for aid in the times of the holy temple, they turned their backs on us. It is only to G-d that we should praise, not Biden. AND any Rabbi or Jew who wants to turn their faces to Biden, is role modeling what should not be done. Yisrael betach bHashem Ezram Umaginam hu/Israel trusts in G-d, He is their shield.
Biden is not a friend. He is giving aid to Hamas and blood money to Iran. He is blackmailing and emasculating Israel, and we should know from our 75 year history that we have won wars against odds, only with the help of G-d.
We must unite as Jews, for a common Jewish purpose and not give Biden more power than he has and that he deserves. This is an election year and there are 20 Americans held hostage, a number not seen since 144 Americans were taken by Iran, who is now funding Hamas. Again, this is the second time in American history that Iran and its proxy has taken Americans with impunity and Biden is funding both.
As I mentioned last week, and will mention this week, The Mishna in Rosh Hashana discusses the war of Amalek. When Moshe’s hands were raised, the Jews would advance in the war, and when Moshe’s hands slumped down, Amalek advanced. The Mishna asks: Vchi Yadav shel Moshe osot milchamah/Do the hands of Moshe conduct war or break war? The answer: When Moshe raised his hands, it was a reminder to the soldiers that their victory would come from G-d if they turn to G-d with trust and faith that the ex-slaves who were not a formal army could be victorious against the organized warriors of Amalek, simply because G-d was on the Jews’ side.
Bring Shabbos in early. Daven/pray and don’t stop praying and doing acts of kindness to those around you, this is our focus now…acts of kindness and love.
Imchem Anochi Batzarah/I am with you in your troubles and pain.
Peaceful Shabbos to all klal Yisrael.