Chochmas Nashim: Shemini: Bring Them Home


By: Suri Davis


In last week’s Torah portion, Moshe was instructed to gather Aaron and his sons into the new mishkan/Tabernacle and show them how to erect it, perform the service, so that they would know how to perform this service in the future.

On the eighth day, Aaron and his sons became anointed as Priests and charged with the exclusive ability to carry out the work in the Mishkan on behalf of all Jews.  Even though they were specially anointed for the job, it did not mean that they were free to perform the service whenever and however they wish.

Two of Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, prepared an unofficial sacrifice, and when the fire came to which would ordinarily consume the sacrifice, it instead consumed Nadav and Avihu.  They had good intentions, but their execution was not proper, and they were punished.

I was pondering this week’s notices which were sent by many shuls regarding 180,000 signatures for the BRING THEM HOME CAMPAIGN.  Jews around the world just truly don’t know what more we can do to help our brethren in Israel, who are injured, who are fighting and who are held in captivity.

I interrupt this week’s dvar Torah as my house shakes from an unusual earthquake which is centered in New Jersey which just shook NY, NJ and CT.  Yesterday, the lights were out in New Jersey and the GPS shut down in Israel.  People are traveling around the country to see the eclipse, which is actually an absence of light, energy which feeds the entire world.

Importantly, since October 7th, we have felt a sense of hastarat panim, incredulity at how the world has become one of revealed lies.  The victims have been victimized and vilified by public opinion, and the petitioner to Bring Them Home, is hishtadlut/efforts to appeal to the United States government and the world to focus not only on the product of all wars, innocent victims, but the very victims who were victimized during a period of not only relative peace, but on a holy holiday in Israel.

I spoke with Rabbi Ya’akov Trump of the Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst about our community joining the Bring Them Home campaign, which has turned aggressive and hostile in Israel in the streets and against the government.  We are in pain with our brethren held hostage, and we understand the pain and peril of every moment the hostages are held hostages, but what is it that we should be doing is a question that has plagued great Rabbis for centuries, going back to the days of the Gemara and the question of redemption of captives, and in modern day, when Rav Huttner was on a hijacked plane in the 70s.

And the question is not action, but appropriate action.  Not myopic action, but well thought out action.  That was Rabbi Trump’s message to me regarding my question of whether we should join a “Bring Them Home” movement which has turned aggressive and violent, almost I dare say anarchist.  And the answer is, persecuting Israel’s Prime Minister and burning property, is not something we want to be associated with, petitioning the United States government to continue it support of Israel unconditionally, perhaps more productive.

And I ponder…Yisrael B’tach B’Hashem.  We have to use our hishtadlut, but it is not Biden or Schumer, both who turned traitor, it is more prayer, Torah, good deeds, love and respect of all humans, acts of charity and kindness, the 3,000 PEOPLE WHO HEAR MEGILLAH AT CHABAD, AND THANKS TO CHABAD IN THEIR HOMES, ALSO PERSONIFIED BY JEFF AND SHIRA EISENBERG AT THE CHESED CENTER LOCATED AT 1315 PENINSULA BLVD, HEWLETT, which will bring Moshiach.

Intent is great, but within the parameters provided by G-d, as in the beautiful sacrifices performed by Aaron and his sons, but not an aish zarah/not a strange fire which consumes, rather than enhances.  Rabbi Trump’s message was context.

Strange events are occurring to us and in our community and surrounds.  Hang on tight, keep davening…


Good Shabbos.  Gut chodesh.



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