Mazal Tov to Rivka & Ari Barraff on the birth of a baby boy born last night! Mazel tov to big sister Layla, Mazel tov to Aunt and Uncle Dina & Judah Samet, cousins Chani and Eli, and to the entire Barraff and Schwartz family.
Passing of David Fox
We regret to inform you of the passing of David Fox, beloved brother of Marcia Ganin. There will be a graveside service on Monday November 14th, at 1:30pm, at the Beth Moses Cemetery, Farmingdale (Exit 35 on Southern State Pkwy). The family requests help with a minyan at the Cemetery (Cell: 516-241-8468). Shiva will be…
White Shul Weekly Shiurim
Rabbi Feiner or Rabbi Neuburger Give a 15 Minute Shiur Each Evening between Mincha/ Maariv on Parsha/ Inyonei D’Yoma SUNDAY EVENING: Rabbi Baruch Klein: Chaburah in Likutei MaHaran & Sifrei Breslov – 8:00-8:30 PM Rabbi Shaya Kivelevitz: Mishnah Berurah 9:30-10:00 PM. MONDAY MORNING: Rabbi Feiner’s: Nach Shiur for Women-Mishlei –11:15 AM-12:15 PM MONDAY EVENING: Rabbi Feiner’s Alei Shur Shiur:…
The Key to Skinny V
The Key to Skinny V Dr. Rachael Schindler In the first article of this series I explained how I teach my clients how to work on speeding up their metabolisms and understanding the key hormones in terms of weight loss. Most people don’t believe that their metabolism is dynamic, not static and can be modified,…
Passing of Usher Fogel
We regret to inform you of the passing of Usher Fogel, beloved brother of Barbara Karp and Gloria Schertz. The funeral is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Sunday, November 13th, 2016, at 1:00pm, at Boulevard Chapels in Hewlett. Gloria will be sitting shiva starting Sunday evening at 35 Bayberry Road, Lawrence, NY, through…
Passing of Meir Jacobovitz
We regret to inform you of the passing of Meir Jacobovits, beloved brother of Toby Jacobovits. The levayah took place today (Sunday, 11/6) in Lakewood, with K’vurah in Israel. Toby will be sitting shivah with the family in Lakewood at 601 Caranetta Drive through Wednesday evening (11/9). He will then return to Far Rockaway and…
Passing of Yitzchak Yaakov Dinewitz
We regret to inform you of the passing of Yitzchok Yaacov Dinewitz, beloved father of Avital Balsam. The Levaya will take place Motzei Shabbos at 7:00 p.m. at TAG elementary school, 444 Beach 6th Street, Far Rockaway. Shiva will be observed at 909 Central Avenue, Woodmere, until Sunday morning, November 20.
Passing of Herbert Rothman
We regret to inform you of the passing of Herbert Rothman, beloved father of Debby Rosenfeld The funeral has taken place. Shiva will be observed at the Rosenfeld residence, 601 Chestnut Street, Apt. B26, Cedarhurst, New York until Wednesday morning, November 16th.
Passing of Irwin Herskowitz
We regret to inform you of the oassing of Irwin Herskowitz, beloved father of Michael Herskowitz. The funeral has taken place. Shiva will be observed at the Herskowitz home, 50 Willow Road, Woodsburgh, New York until Wednesday morning, November 16th.
Passing of Yaffa Eliach
We regret to inform you, with profound sorrow, of the passing of Yaffa Eliach, beloved mother of Rabbi Yotav Eliach. The funeral taken place. Shiva will continue at the Eliach residence, 300 East 54th Street, Apt. 23KL, Manhattan, from Friday morning, November 11th, until Wednesday morning, November 16th. The phone number is 516-652-2894.