We regret to inform you of the passing of Selma Elstein, beloved wife of Morris Elstein. Shivah will be observed in Israel at Rechov Naomi 9/1 Abu Tor, Jerusalem until Monday morning (Israel time). Israeli phone number: 972-2-563-9126 American phone number: 973-821-4790 Beginning Thursday afternoon, August 25, until Monday morning, August 29, Morris Elstein will be…
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
We regret to inform you of the passing of one of our greatest Jewish National Representatives REBBETZIN ESTHER JUNGREIS, beloved mother of Chaya Sora Gertzulin, Rabbi Yisroel Jungreis, Slovie Wolff, Rabbi Osher Jungreis. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, August 24th, 11am, at the Agudath Israel of Long Island, located at 1121 Sage Street,…
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Meir Resnick
upon the birth of a baby girl.
Congratulations to the Ryback and Friedman Families
upon the forthcoming marriage of their children Shmaryahu and Tzipporah. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Bernard Friedman.
Congratulations to David and Debbie Waltuch
on the birth of a grandson born to their children Dasi and Avraham Yehuda Miliner. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Barbara and Nahum Gordon.
Congratulations to David and Orly Simai
on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Eliyahu Tzvi and to the grandparents, Esther and Eliyahu Simai.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Daniel
upon the forthcoming marriage of their son, Elliot to Chelsea Shulman.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Karasick
upon the marriage of their daughter, Avigayil to Eli Fink.
Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Johny Newman
upon the birth of their daughter, Aliza.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ami Melohn
upon the birth of a baby boy. The shalom zachor will be in the Spiegel Shtiebl at 9pm tonight, August 19th.