Zoom Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS “Zoom golly golly golly- Zoom golly golly!” I grew up with this being a song that people sang together. Now it’s the way people actually get together, no song necessary! Classes -zoom Meetings -zoom Bar mitzvahs – zoom Even, Weddings-zoom Sure, that’s not new when it comes to…
Where Am I Heading
Where Am I Heading Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS I’d like to call this – Life after corona! However, that would be pure projection. Right now, it’s life during corona. The question is, is that necessarily all bad? Like everything else it depends on 2 giant things: your reality and your perception of reality.…
The Dating Challenge
The Dating Challenge Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS “We need to get married, Us girls and us boys. We can’t just stay home, Plus this family noise! ” “Usually we come and go, As we work and we date. But this is ridiculous, We can’t unsuccessfully zoom date.” You’d think it would be great…
The Sudoku Challenge
The Sudoku Challenge Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS Are you familiar with sudoku ? It’s a little numbers game. 3 boxes accross , 3 boxes down. Wait there’s more …. Then 9 little boxes in each of these boxes. Still with me? Therefore, 9 rows of little boxes down, and 9 accross , and…
Eeeke Out a Smile
Eeeke out a Smile Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS What does humor do? When you smile and laugh there are benefits. “Research has shown that individuals with a deeper sense of happiness possess lower levels of inflammatory gene responses and higher levels of antiviral gene responses” “Happy individuals typically possess healthier blood fat profiles,…
Rivki: The Plane Truth
The Plane Truth Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS So, I’m on an airplane and I have no idea what is keeping it up in the air. Other than, the cute pilot I saw boarding 20 minutes before me. I know that may be a simplistic thought, but I’m no engineer. Therefore, I’m guessing even…
Possibilities Are on the Way
Possibilities Are on the Way Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS So, by now Purim has been here and gone. Or maybe if we are lucky messiah came already. And we are reading this in some alternate, completely blessed, universe. But, even if it didn’t arrive yet, doesn’t Purim remind us that Gd can change everything in a blink of an…
Where’d That Come From?
Where’d That Come From? Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS SURPRISE!!!! So -come on-tell us, were you surprised? ….“Absolutely -You bet!….. You always have 25 cars parked outside of your house. And three of course, coincidently, with my HS sticker on them. And just 2 weeks before my wedding. Not to mention the 18 pairs…
Where Do Our Minds Go?
Where Do Our Minds Go? Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS Bottles make us true believers! While tubes seem to make us committed doubters. Did you ever notice that when the Listerine is done, we have no difficulty parting with the bottle; We just turn and drop it into the garbage! Okay maybe, some let…
The Timeless Struggle!
The Timeless Struggle! Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS Here’s how it works. Or doesn’t! This article will probably be appreciated, specifically by, most husbands. A man can get through college, then complete graduate school, land an awesome job, or start his own successful company, even, manage to impress a woman – enough to get…