Over-Zealous Parenting is Harming our Children June 9, 2018 | by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff One of my favorite childhood memories is riding my bike Sunday afternoons and peddling through the sidewalks of North Woodmere. I lived in a quiet suburban community with open spaces, shady trees and lots of winding roads. These were the days before Amber Alerts, 9-11,…
8 Common Relationship Mistakes
8 Common Relationship Mistakes May 26, 2018 | by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff Whether you are newlyweds or married for a while, these eight mistakes can damage a healthy relationship. Pay attention now before you fall into a common pattern. 1. Public Shaming Sitting at a restaurant meal with a bunch of couples is not the place to tell your…
Parshat Emor: Regaining the Power of Your Voice
Pat Quinn and Regaining the Power of Your Voice Slovie Jungreis-Wolff Pat Quinn suffers from ALS. In 2014, Pat cofounded the famous Ice Bucket Challenge that raised over 100 million dollars to find a cure for this devastating disease. Pat championed the cause. “Every August until a cure,” he said with a weakened but determined…
Four Hidden Messages of the Seder
Every Jew is precious. On Passover, we do not simply retell a story. We see ourselves as being the ones redeemed at this very moment. Here are four hidden messages to share at your table. 1. Harness your strength. The Torah teaches us “And you shall tell your child on that day: it is because…
Four HIdden Messages of the Seder
On Passover, we do not simply retell a story. We see ourselves as being the ones redeemed at this very moment. Here are four hidden messages to share at your table. 1. Harness your strength. The Torah teaches us “And you shall tell your child on that day: it is because of this that God…
Seven Ways to Live Better This Year
As we approach 2018 and a stress-filled world, let’s take a few moments and think about how to live life better this year. 1. Write your story Stop reacting. Stop complaining. Instead start thinking about what you want to be. True, we cannot control certain situations. We are thrust into challenges beyond our power. But…
Raising Boys to Become Good Men
For starters, they need to see that women are genuinely respected in your home. With so many high-profile cases of men falling in disgrace, it’s a good idea for parents to reexamine how to best raise our sons to become good men. How our sons view women when they are children will impact the way they treat…
The Antidote to Our Entitled Generation
Sukkot is the holiday Jewish families need. by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff In a letter to the parent body of an affluent private NYC school the head of the school described how the school has become a dangerous incubator of indulgence where ostentatious displays of entitlement slip by unquestioned. He wrote of “consumerist families that treat teachers and…
My Moment of Truth
As my father’s cries entered the deepest crevices of my heart, I had an epiphany. by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff One cold day in January I experienced my own personal wake-up call. My beloved father was a patient in Memorial Sloan-Kettering. He was seriously ill. In just nine weeks we watched my father’s 6 ft. 2 frame wane.…
When Spouse and Child are Against You
How to ensure you and your spouse are united and build better bonds in your family. Do you find yourself in cahoots with your child against your spouse? Do you ever feel as if you’re standing alone as your spouse and child form an informal pact together? When one parent is allied with a child,…