By: Suri Davis
This torah portion discusses the topic of Isha Sotah/a woman who is accused of an extra-marital affair. If a man is suspicious that his wife is having an affair, he raises this issue with the kohen/priest, and she is brought to the holy temple.
There is a process which ensues, and she is forced to drink water that has been prepared by the priest. One of the ten commandments is that we do not use the name of G-d in vain. For the purpose of this process, though, the priest writes down G-d’s name, and that paper’s ink is dissolved in this prepared water. If she is guilty of as accused, her belly becomes distended and she dies. If she is innocent, she will have easier pregnancies and births thereafter.
The torah tells us that where there is smoke, there is usually fire, if a man is bringing a woman to the holy temple on suspicions, even if there was no affair, she was acting inappropriately. Yet, G-d is permitting his name to be erased for this woman. The importance of peace in the home is so great, that is wiling to nullify His name for the sake of peace in their home, even for a woman of spurious reputation. Supreme act of kindness.
So too, we each have our agendas and thoughts of self-respect, but how will we nullify our plans and ourselves to help another. Stop a moment. See who is around you, and why put you there at the moment…take a deep breath and redirect yourself…delay the plan, nullify your perceived self-respect…just sit with the other person.
If G-d could nullify Himself for the sake of a woman of dubious nature and for the sake of peace in the home, what can we do to raise our consciousness of those we can help around us.
Happy Father’s Day…
Shabbat shalom.