Chochmas Nashim: The Roads To Auschwitz



By: Suri Davis


Today marks the Jewish anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the most targeted part of which, was the attack on Chabad in Mumbai.  Rabbi Gavriel and Rebbetzin Rivkah Holtzberg were killed to sanctify G-d’s name, representing the flame of Judaism, hosting, kindness and charity.  They were a light unto a nation.

Tonight marks Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the beginning of the Jewish month of Kislev, the month in which we Jews celebrate Chanukkah.  On a simple note, the miracle, of the small number of pure Jews over the Greeks who wanted to proselytize the Jews, and have them assimilate, is commemorated in the miracle of the menorah.  We learn that when the Jews reclaimed the temple and wanted to rekindle the menorah, they found only enough olive oil for the menorah to remain lit for only one night, yet it would take a week to produce pure olive oil for the menorah to remain lit.  G-d created a miracle, and that one small bit of oil in the menorah, sufficed for the eight required days, until new oil could be produced.

The light is analogous to the Rabbi and Rebbetzin of Mumbai.  Their young lives were cut short, but their light of menorah has remained lit in Mumbai to shine and brighten those looking for an oasis of Judaism in India.

Rosh Chodesh is a specific monthly holiday for Jewish women, to commemorate the women who did not participate in the creation of the golden calf idol.  On Chanukkah, the women don’t work while the candles are lit, to commemorate their heroic role in motivating the Jewish men to revolt and rise up against tyranny and reclaim the temple.  A reminder that the woman is the akeret habayit/the mainstay of the home from which Jewish life emanates, and through their strength and determination, Jewish ritual endures.

The terrorists in Mumbai and the Greek Tyranny in the past, are not just a commemoration of the past, as Malcolm Hoenline set forth passionately in his discourse two weeks ago at the Jewish Leadership Conference: “The roads of Auschwitz, were built by hatred, and paved with indifference.”

As we sit down tomorrow to eat our Thanksgiving meal, let’s take the moment to thank HKBH/G-d for giving us the fortuity to live in a democracy and decries and renounces anti-semitism, even as the private sector anti-semitism increases.  Let us not be indifferent to these anti-semitic acts, and acts of hatred, prejudice or bigotry in America and worldwide, lest we become the product of our silence.

In this week’s parshah, we see twins born, one is good and one less so.  The good one will carry forth the flame of ethical religion, and will be forced to flee to safety from the other.  Tyranny v. good.  Darkness v. light, bigotry v. tolerance.  We have a choice, light, goodness, kindness is what we celebrate tomorrow on Rosh Chodesh and thanksgiving and please G-d on Chanukkah as well.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Good Shabbos.


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