Don’t Say Shoo

Don’t Say Shoo!
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS



Do shoes make you crazy?


Now, I’m not sure every guy will identify with this, but if they know a woman they might.


Do you ever see someone who looks amazing walking to synagogue on a Saturday?  But, one thing seems a drop, shall we say, not, exactly right? Then suddenly when you see them at shul it all comes together. They look put together just right.  Maybe even a drop more stunning and taller.

What changed?


Well, they accessed their tiny, handy dandy, little shabbas shopping bag, and out popped their high, higher or highest, heels.


This is the Shabbas dilemma: Walk to shul in comfort or in style?


Not everyone wants the squished toes, the strained knees or aching back or the rubbed-out heel. Yet, everyone wants the complete look when they arrive.


Interestingly, it works a little differently when one attends a wedding or other affair. In that case, things are reversed. They arrive at the event at their absolute tallest and only begin the shrinking ceremony as they approach the dance floor.


It seems guys usually have 2 speeds formal or informal. Shoes or sneakers.


Woman have a whole different shoe world to navigate. First there’s the elevator like experience – going up ……1 inch up, 2-inch, 3-inch, 4 inches. Anyone for 5 or 6 inches up?  Then there’s other choices: close toe, open toe, closed back, open back. Of course, there’s the different styles- Sporty, casual, funky, high styled, designer etc… Then on top of that there’s all different types of flats.

And just when you think you’ve covered all avenues there are boots to contend with –  ankle height, calf height, knee high or thigh high, and also tight, or loose, suede, leather, or even the combo.


Now, it’s not like these same gorgeous girls don’t caught in their assortment of sneakers too. Any day of the week you might find them on their walking mission. And in this case, they are not playing games. The sneakers may be interesting but it’s all about the walk! The look is not the ultimate goal, the exercise is! So, they’ll usually be sure to get in to town and home, whether it’s 3 mile walk, or 30.


Like the saying goes -stand clear when the rubber meets the road!


For women having enough space for the variety of footwear we need to accommodate, is no joke. It “floors” everyone just to try to find place for them.


They say women exist on a higher spiritual plain. But, who realized that when they say women’s “souls” have great abundance, they meant in their closets.


But, guess what- those soles also help them access the higher spiritual realm through the height of their heels.


So, let’s respect women who try to keep getting into those higher shoes.


In other words, just try and see this side of things, all you heels out there, and welcome all those souls that are coming through!









Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or

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