Eeeke Out a Smile

Eeeke out a Smile

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

What does humor do?

When you smile and laugh there are benefits.

“Research has shown that individuals with a deeper sense of happiness possess lower levels of inflammatory gene responses and higher levels of antiviral gene responses”

“Happy individuals typically possess healthier blood fat profiles, lower blood pressure, and a stronger immune system. “

 “Laughter, which often starts with a smile, increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, which improves your resistance to illnesses. That’s right, smiling or laughing activates and relieves your stress response. “

Sure, you could look this up on your own. And you are free to believe it or not.

However, try this first:

Say -Uhhhhhhh

How does that feel?

Now say


You tell me which feels better?!

We are in a force those- eeeez – time!

It’s not always eeeezy!

You’re not always feeling on an eeeeven keel.

However, whenever possible eeeeze into a smile.

There are times in our lives when ‘E’ – Eeeeludes us. And those are the times to take charge of our lips and our voice boxes.

Sure, it’s simple to smile and laugh when things are just going absolutely  great or when you are being physically tickled.

 However, at times it’s not going to come from the outside.

So, that’s our super vowel moment!

Our moment to say to ourselves:

A ‘E’ is what I O U!

And even – sometimes Y?

Because Y (Why)- no matter what comes at us, ‘reaction’ is what is in our hands (or in this case our lips and voice box!)

I’m really not one to make light of a serious situation. Yet, I know staying in negative or dark thoughts only deepens our downfall.

We all want to do more.  Since we can’t get out there and change the world, let’s see what we can do from inside. We all want to hug and be hugged by others more.  Yet, we can’t. We are told to keep our hands even from our own faces.

So- let’s use our lips to do some independent work.

We can help eeeeliminate negative thoughts by eeerupting into a smile.

We don’t always get the ABCs of how life works but we can always recite an EEE.  Eeeven if you don’t feel you have it in you right now.

Try it. It can help you and it can eeze the fears of others around you.

Tough times pass. Solutions you never imagined crop up. Just the way problems you didn’t forseeee came along, solutions you can’t envision will too!

So- Don’t just give me ‘lip service’. And say sure sure whatever you say….

For now -Try changing from eat, drink, and be merry to –

Eaaat, Eeee, and be merryeee!

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or

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