Category: Funeral and Shiva Notices

 With profound sorrow we record the passing of Judie Greenblatt, z”l, mother of Eric Greenblatt Funeral took place today in Boston, Massachusetts. Shiva will be observed Tuesday morning through Sunday morning at 2924 Bailey Court, Far Rockaway (Bayswater).

With profound sorrow, we record the passing of David Grossman, beloved husband of Lois Grossman, and beloved father of Becky, Jessica and Seth. Family sitting Shiva: Monday – Tuesday  7:00 pm at Seth’s house:  1 /2 Rechov Yerushalayim, Ramat Shilo, Beit Shemesh, Israel. Lois will continue sitting shiva at the Grossman residence Wednesday thru Thursday…

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr. Shulim Jonas beloved father of Sharon Wiesel. The funeral will take place today, March 6th, at 4:30pm at the Jewish Memorial Chapel of Long Island, 46 Greenwich Street, Hempstead. Shiva will be observed at the Wiesel residence at 484 Duryea Terrace, West Hempstead.  (Sharon will…

We regret to inform you of the passing of Victor Geller beloved  brother of Donald Geller. The funeral is scheduled to take place in Israel, tomorrow, Thursday, March 2, 2017 . Donald will be sitting shiva beginning tomorrow (March 2) at 2:00 pm through Wednesday morning March 8 in his home at 425 Ocean Ave. Lawrence.…

We regret to inform you of the passing of Darrell Zaslow, beloved father of Janna Henesch. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Thursday, March 2nd at 9:00am at Sol Levinson & Bros. Funeral Home, 8900 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD.   Burial will be in Israel.   Shiva will be observed in Baltimore.  Janna will be…

We regret to inform you of the passing of Abraham Donner, beloved father of Irah Donner. The funeral has already taken place and shiva has begun in Cleveland. Shiva will continue at the Donner residence at 310 Lewis Avenue, Woodmere, Sunday night, March 5th, 8:00pm until Tuesday morning, March 7th.

With profound sorrow we record the passing of Judy Rechenberg, z”l, beloved sister of parent, Steven Hilsenrath. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Friday, March 3rd, at 12:00 p.m, at the Gutterman and Musicant Jewish Funeral Home, 402 Park Street, in Hackensack, New Jersey (201-489-3800). Shiva will be observed at the Hilsenrath residence,  742 Wilson…

We regret to inform you of the passing of Gita Nagelberg, beloved mother of Bernie Nagelberg. The levayah will take place Sunday, February 26 at 11:00 am at Shomrei HaDas Chapels, 3803 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, followed by kevurah in Mount Hebron Cemetery. Shiva will be observed at the Nagelberg home, 139 Harborview South, Lawrence, through Friday (3/3) afternoon. Minyanim:…

We regret to inform you of the passing of Perry Fish, Esq., beloved husband of Debby Fish and beloved father of Ari and Sima Fish. Long Time Long Island Community Activist. The funeral has taken place.  Shiva will be observed at the Fish residence, 1303 Mott Avenue, Far Rockaway until Wednesdayy March 1st.