Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force
He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Force, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
May Hashem cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, Blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighting men from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor. May He lead our enemies under their sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is Hashem, your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you. Now let us respond: Amen. |
MAY 15, 2024
Tal Ben Michal
אליהו בנימין בן שרה יעל
דןד יוסף בן ציפורה פייגא
מאיר חיים בן שרה לאהזאב נטע בן שרה לאהיקירה לי בת אהובה שרששיר תהילה בת נאווה פרעמעט
Chaim Yehuda ben Brocha
Noam Yaniv Ben Shachar Rutie
Zev Yisroel Ben Miriam Chaya
Reuven Ben MiriamYedidya ben Nina
Yochanan Naftali ben Lisa Elizabeth
Yitzchok Levi ben Varda
Erez ben Tzipporah
Netanel ben Batya Chana
Adin ben Rachel Nava
Yeshayahu Mordechai ben Rachel Nava
David Yosef ben Tziporah Faiga
Yakira Lee bat Ahuvah Sarah
Meir Chaim Hakohen ben Sarah Leah
Zev Nateh ben Sarah Leah
Shir Tehila bat Naava Fremet
Amit Yosef ben Davira
Yonatan Mordechai Hacohen ben Rivka Adina
Yisroel Meir ben Penina Gila
Yisroel Meir ben Rachel Elana
David Yoseph ben Rachel Elana
Atara Gitel bas Rachel Elana
Yehuda Eitan Schecter ben Zahava
Reuven Eliezer ben Avidgail Esther
Gavriel Yehuda ben Yaakova
Aaron Nosson ben Sarah Naamah
Matan Moshe ben Zisel Nechama
Tzvi ben Rivka
Ori Shlomo ben Aliya
Amitai ben Nina
Aharon Yehuda ben Shoshana Rivka
Simcha ben Shoshana Rivka
Barak ben Rivka Ahuva
Yonatan ben Rivka Ahuva
Yonatan Yaakov ben Esther
Daniel Moshe ben Yehudit Gila
Chanan David ben Yehudit Gila
Naftali ben Sara
Ben Zion ben Sara
Chaim Eliyahu ben Sara
Yehoshua Simcha ben Sara
Amitai Moshe ben Noa
Avraham Yitzchok ben Tamar
Yehoshua ben Tamar
Elad Chaim ben Efrat
Ohad Avraham ben Michal
Maoz ben Varda Devora
Shachar Yehuda ben Varda Devorah
Mordechai Eliezer Menachem ben Varda Devora
Yehuda Akiva ben Hadasa Tova
Menachem Mendel ben Shulamith Leah
Hadas ben Sara Yehudit
Noach Yisrael ben Aliza Nechama
Aharon Ariel ben Hadasa Tova
Nachum Yosef ben Ilana Hinda
Efraim ben Shaina Taiba
Roi ben Nava Shoshana
Shlomo Mordechai ben Chaya Devora
Yakira Miriam Chava bas Naami Riva
Efraim ben Liat
Pinchas Shalom ben Tzlacha
David Shimon ben Ruth
Yonatan ben Ruth
David ben Shulamit
Aryeh ben Shulamit
Tal bat Shira
Yehuda Dov ben Miriam Chaviva
Etiel ben Miriam Chaviva
Ptahya ben Miriam Chaviva
Elyashiv Simcha ben Miriam Chaviva
Kfir Aryeh ben Nechama Rut
Shmuel ben Pesya Bracha
Chaya Esther Chana bat Shaindel Mirel and family
Shmuel Feivel ben Esther Rachel
Tzvi Simcha ben Esther Rachel
Daniel Gedalia ben Lili
Yehuda Akiva ben Hadassa Tova
Aharon Ariel ben Hadassa Tova
Binyomin Tzvi ben Rachel Yehudit
Gavriel Yair ben Rachel Yehudit
Doron Chaim ben Rachel Yehudit
Aviad Binyomin ben Shifra Sara
Rachel Miriam bat Shifra Sara
Yehoshua Heschel Hacohen ben Layah Shoshana
Matan ben Efrat
Avraham Yehoshua Heshel ben Baila Rivka
Chaim Nesanel ben Penina Perel Miriam
Itamar Meir ben Peninan Perel Miriam
Ariel Tzvi ben Penina Perel Miriam
Ariel Tzvi ben Penina Perel Miriam
Yehuda Yaakov ben Penina Perel Miriam
Shmuel Simcha ben Rivka
Leora Tiferet bat Rivka
Asher Yisrael ben Mindel Beruriah
Bezalel Niryah ben Mindel Beruriah
Menachem Chaim ben Mindel Beruriah
Yosef Yedidyah ben Mindel Beruriah
Eliezer Leib ben Mindel Beruriah
Efraim ben Arlene
Ayal ben Michal
Daniel ben Ziva
Ariel ben Atara
Yedidyah ben Atara
Shmuel ben Ariel
Eli ben Devora
Dovid ben Devora
Moshe ben Shira
Ariel Dovid ben Yaffa Shira
Yair Eitan ben Orit Piri
Ariel Don ben Orit Piri
Shmuel Yaakov ben Sara Bash
Binyomin Avraham Halevi ben Sara Michal
Aliza Leah bas Sara Michal
Yaakov Matisyahu Haleva ben Sara Michal
Leor ben Batya
Gilad ben Feiga Sarala
Binyomin Zalman Baruch Halevi ben Chaya Gavriella
Yeshaya Aryeh Zallman Halevi ben Ilana Rivka
Itamar Nachum ben Rivka Leah
Amichai ben Rivka Tova
Yishai ben Shira
Elad ben Tamar
Nerya Shlomo ben Rachel
Ezra Shalom ben Eliezer Yehoshua
Yitzchok Avraham ben Gala
Akiva Shlomo ben Gala
Nerya Shlomo ben Rachel
Yisrael Meir ben Adina Hinda
Yitzchok ben Sharon
Michael Ber Zusha ben Sharon
Yehuda Leib ben Leah Sara
Yonatan Zev ben Chaviva Sara
Eliyahu Hoshea ven Yosefa Bracha
Pesach ben Chaya Rivka
Moshe Tzvi ben Chaya Rivka
Yisroel Chaim ben Rivka Etel
Yosef Eliyahu ben Rivka Etel
Chaim ben Sara Tzila
Uriel ben Sara Tzila
Alon Ben Zion ben Yehudit
Avraham ben Ilana Tova
Tzvi Yedidyah ben Dena Ruchama
Yeshayahu Aryeh ben Dena Ruchama
“Acheinu kol Bais Yisrael – Our brethren, the entire Jewish People”
“Hanesunim bitzara u’bishivya – who are delivered into confinement and captivity”
Who are confined and imprisoned by personal attitudes, and blind to the feelings and convictions of others…
“Ha’omdim bein bayam u’vein bayabasha – whether they be on the sea or dry land”
Whether they are borne afloat in the world of Torah-study and observance or anchored in a world parched of both…
“HaMakom yiracheim aleihem viyotzi’eim mitzara li’rvacha – May the Omnipresent have mercy on them and remove them from distress to relief”
May the One Who is present in every Jewish heart release them from their close-mindedness to a state of openness to others and Jewish concern for other Jews
“U’mei’afela li’ora – and from darkness to light”
From the darkness of hatred and frustration that yields derision of others (and worse) to the enlightened recognition that fellow Jews, even those one may feel are misguided, deserve respect and care.
“U’mishibud lig’ula – and from subjugation to redemption”
From slavery to incivility to the freedom of open minds and hearts–leading to the ultimate redemption
“Hashta b’agala u’viz’man kariv – now, speedily, and close at hand”
Not next year, not next month, but today.
And let us say amen.