Ethics of Our Father 1:14: משנה אבות א׳:י״ד (יד) הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר, אִם אֵין אֲנִי לִי, מִי לִי. וּכְשֶׁאֲנִי לְעַצְמִי, מָה אֲנִי. וְאִם לֹא עַכְשָׁיו, אֵימָתַי: Pirkei Avot 1:14 (14) He [Rabbi Hillel] used to say: If I am not for me, who will be for me? And when I am for myself alone,…
Category: Lenore Davis
The Right to Die With Dignity
THE RIGHT TO DIE WITH DIGNITY By: Lenore S. Davis, Esq., LLM Thirty years ago, as I commuted on the LIRR, I was a daily Wall Street Journal reader. I remember long ao, an op-ed on euthanasia, the right to determine when and how one wants to die. The premise was that a horse that…
A Bissel Torah: Behaalotchah: Intent
There is a common saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. There are times when people have good intentions, but their execution strays. We know that a person is not held accountable if he has thoughts of sinning and does not sin. We are also taught that those who have…
Shavuoth: Have a Penny, Give a Penny, Need a Penny, Take a Penny
I have a car that is for my driving teenagers. The only driver, though, lives in Israel now, so the car hasn’t been driven for a while. It needed an inspection, but it appears that a car needs to be driven a minimum amount of miles, and so my car failed inspection. What to…
A Bissel Torah: Bhar B’chukotai and a Birthday Blessing
I was at Riki Fishbein’s shiur this week, BH I made it. As an aside, HKBH blessed me with an amazing block. Pirkei Avoth on Shabbos with Rebbetzin Chanie Wolowik, parshah on Wednesdays at Rebbetzin Riki Fishbein, and Estelle, Tzippy, Matana, Leba, Rochel, Lisa, Ilana, Fran, Melody, Ilana, Rivkie and Mindy are role models…
The Woodmere Club, Passions Flare
The Five Towns community is up in arms over the sale of the 55 acre Woodmere Club to private investors. In a community created in the 1700s with guests as rich as George Washington and the revolutionaries, we are caught ill prepared for further development, but let me start at the beginning. BACKGROUND…
Enhanced Driver’s License, Enhanced Emunah
I received from NYS Department of Motor Vehicles my driver’s license renewal. It gave me the option of getting an enhanced driver’s license, which would permit me to travel by land and sea to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean without my passport, for an extra $30. Sure, I thought, why not. The renewal came…
A Bissel Torah: Emor
This parshah very clearly establishes that there are three parents that a Jew has, and G-d is very much one of them. The parshah discusses the purity of a simple kohen/priest, the kohen gadol/high priest and a nazir/a man who has taken on some purity stringencies. If a simple Kohen’s immediate family dies, he…
The First Ladies of the Five Towns
In the New York Times last week, there was an article about first lady, Melania Trump, and how she has broken the traditional first lady role. The reporter opined that there was a basic failure of consent between Melania and the President about her role in his Presidential foray. She has not towed the…
Glass Shatters Under the Chuppah
A GLASS SHATTERS UNDER OUR CHUPPAH By: Suri Davis A bride encircles her groom under the chupah seven times, to break through the seven clouds that stand between our Earth and the kisei hakavod/G-d’s throne. They are fasting. They are as babies, free from prior sin. They dedicate themselves to each other and to…