Category: Lenore Davis

  The New York Time’s review was raving, from plot to music to lyrics. HUHHHH???? I was pumped.  A friend gave me a lone ticket to this show and I heard it was a hot new ticket.  It sure looked like it from the long lines stretching in both directions from the entranceway starting an…

  I hate winter.  I hate the cold and long nights.  I hated having school in winter, and dislike having my children in school during winter, the early morning rise and the homework and projects at night.  UUUUggghhhh.   While it’s snowing, snow is fine, also if one wants to ski, snow is necessary.  Hot…

A BISSEL TORAH: PARSHAT TOLDOT: ACTUALIZING POTENTIAL By: Suri Davis   The torah portion this week reveals that Rivka is finally pregnant, and when she walks in front of a yeshiva, she feels extreme kicking.  When she walks in front of a house of idols, she feels extreme kicking.  The medrash tells us that she…

When I first started practicing law, about thirty years ago, older clients came in, and almost 100% of them would have had their mortgages paid off.  Not so anymore.  One of the major reasons so many now still have outstanding mortgages is to pay for their skyrocketing healthcare. Medicare is an entitlement, which means that…

  In this week’s torah portion, Chayei Sarah, we learn that Satan told Sarah that Isaac had been sacrificed on an altar, she cried and then died.  As I mentioned in last week’s dvar torah, Sarah’s tears were not for naught, they are utilized every Rosh Hashanah, to move G-d’s mercy as we blow the…

  This week’s torah portion has G-d commanding Abraham to leave his family and land to a land that G-d would reveal to him.  Faith.  We read in the coming torah portions how Abraham is tested by G-d to determine how dedicated he is to G-d, and so that G-d may reward him and his…

  After allegations that Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood movie producer, sexually harassed his female employees, he was forced to leave his production company, was removed from the prestigious Academy of Arts and Sciences, and created a media sensation with a hashtag #metoo, for women to reveal that they had been sexually harassed as well.  Within…

Sukkot is the holiday Jewish families need. by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff In a letter to the parent body of an affluent private NYC school the head of the school described how the school has become a dangerous incubator of indulgence where ostentatious displays of entitlement slip by unquestioned. He wrote of “consumerist families that treat teachers and…

  Building connections.  Between man and G-d and man and his fellow man. I started my morning early at the Ohel, my meditation place, listening to the Rebbe’s fabrengen on tape. As I was leaving, my son called from Yeshiva, several thousand miles away.  We had spoken a couple of times this week, and it…