Category: Lenore Davis

  The Giving Tree authored by Shel Silverstein makes me cringe. Other people adore the book. Yes, there is an open dichotomy, a real dichotomy in the book based on whether the reader focuses on the tree or the child. I’ll try to describe the story impartially, although its nearly impossible because of the strong…

  It was just last week that I wrote how important it is for people to give themselves time out.  Time to regain the sense of themselves and their purpose.  To refill their physical, spiritual and emotional tanks to deal with what G-d gives us to manage. I was on a high coming back from…

Eema, You Need a Time-Out

  About 15 years ago, when my eldest child was five years old, I came in from work later than he did and saw his jacket, socks and shoes scattered all over the place.  I started calling him and berating him for this and that and the other thing all at once, he replied, “Eema,…

  In the book of Devarim/Deuteronomy, we have Moshe rehashing history, but with a twist.  If you compare the original scenes in the original three books of the Torah, they are told with a different lense.  Moshe is unable to bring the Jews into the promised land.  He is afraid when he dies, that the…

  Summer makes me nostalgic.  I guess there are fond memories attached to school days, but it’s the summer, when I was free to be me, that brings on the nostalgia. I remember 30 years ago, commuting to Manhattan, pre-Gamara car and smartphones.  There were the men in the multi-seaters facing each other, spreading out…

Israel’s Use of Targeted Killings: A Weapon of Necessity Alex Grobman, PhD The Israelis prefer “extrajudicial punishment,” “selective targeting,” or “long-range hot pursuit”—to describe their counterterrorism policy. 1 Whatever term used to describe this “counter-offensive” in which Israel employs fighter jets, helicopter gunships, tanks, car bombs, booby traps or snipers to eliminate terrorists who are…