Category: Lenore Davis

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: B’SHALACH: #EMUNAHGORERETEMUNAH By: Suri Davis   This is a consummate Torah of Faith and Trust in G-d, who saves us from enemies, provides us with food, clothing and shelter, and hearkens our prayers.  The Jews exit Egypt in last week’s torah portion.  They now approach the Red Sea and the Egyptians are chasing…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: BO: ALWAYS CONNECTED By: Suri Davis   27You fear not, O Jacob My servant, and be not dismayed, O Israel! for behold, I will redeem you from afar and your children from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be quiet and at ease, and there shall be none who…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: SETTING THE STAGE Suri Davis   In this week’s torah portion, Vayigash, we come to the apex of the Joseph story, the great reveal.  The ten tribes sold their younger brother into slavery, he ends up as viceroy to Pharaoh, the second most powerful man in the world.  By all rights, Joseph could…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: KATONTI M’KOL HACHASADIM By: Suri Davis In this week’s torah portion, Jacob is returning from his sojourn with Lavan back to Israel, per G-d’s direction to him.  He hears that Esau, his angry brother, is approaching him with 400 men, seemingly to wage war with him and Jacob turns to G-d and prays…