Category: Lenore Davis

THE TRAVESTY OF SILENCE By: Suri Davis     SHAME ON YOU!!! UJA OU RCA BDA ZOA WZO YOUNG ISRAEL AGUDATH ISRAEL YU TOURO AIPAC NORPAC   AND ALSO OUR LOCAL POLITICIANS   The Rabbis tell us that he who remains silent, it is as though he acquiesces. News correspondent after news correspondent, asks those…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM:  LECH LICHAH By: Suri Davis In the 14th chapter of Genesis, we read that Avram waged a war on behalf of Lot.  In that battle, he captured King Sodom’s people.  King Sodom offered Avram to trade the captives for possessions or war booty.  Avram refused with these words, 22/23, I swear by G-d…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: NOACH: MISGUIDED Unity By: Suri Davis   In this week’s torah portion, we see that G-d destroys the world because of evil, evil between man and his fellow man.  Last week’s torah portion, Genesis, we read how G-d created man in His image with the potential to act and be G-dlike, merciful, kind,…

Chochmas Nashim: YIZKOR: AN ESSAY By: Suri Davis   It has been a year and a half since my father, ZTL, passed away, and since I started saying Yizkor for him.  As Orthodox Jews, we are taught that the soul is eternal.  We know from the Book of Jeremiah, and Rachel’s tears upon the horizon,…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: SUKKOTH AND SIMCHAT TORAH: THE GIFT OF THE MAGI By: Suri Davis   Where are we?  We have just completed Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?  At our Kol Nidre service on Yom Kippur, we ask G-d’s permission to pray with sinners/avaryanim.  All are welcome to repent.  After Yom Kippur, we are all alike,…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: DEEP DIVE INTO FORGIVING OTHERS By: Suri Davis So much air time is dedicated to Teshuvah, man’s asking G-d and his fellow man for forgiveness, so little to the real act of forgiving others.  Maimonides discusses the three steps to asking for forgiveness, which are regretting that one has sinned, confessing to the…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM:  TRUSTING THE KING By: Suri Davis   This year, my focus is on Bitachon/Trust in G-d.  I started podcasting my first podcast, Be Bitachon on Spotify, after losing two very close relatives. Honestly, I read Shaar Habitachon by Rabbi Bachya Ibn Pekudah four times this year, because I felt resistance to his concepts…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: KI TAVO: GRATITUDE AND SEYCHEL By: Suri Davis Stern               The parshah almost appears to be a repetition of parshat Bechukotai, if you follow G-d’s commandments, you will be rewarded, and if you don’t follow G-d’s commandments, then you will be punished.  A recurring theme in any religion.  Let’s review some interesting…