CHOCHMAS NASHIM: THE BLESSING OF TRANQUILITY By: Suri Davis I have started a new shiur on Shaar Habitachon/Gates of Trust, which meets every Wednesday evening via Zoom for a half hour. This week, we started discussion on the Five Benefits of Bitachon which help us spiritually, and Five Benefits of Bitachon which help us…
Category: Lenore Davis
Suri: Half A Million Israelis Rally For Judicial Reform
A HALF MILLION ISRAELIS RALLY IN SUPPORT OF JUDICIAL REFORM SHOULD WE? By: Suri Davis One of the seven Noahide laws is to establish a Judicial system. We in America idealize our judicial system as a democratic source of communal justice, where two parties appear and there is no bias or favoritism and justice…
Chochmas Nashim: Ours Is Not To Question Why
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: OURS IS NOT TO QUESTION WHY By: Suri Davis This week’s two Torah portions are heavy on prohibitions and punishment for said prohibitions/sins. Why is it that the Torah sets forth the punishment for sins, but in only two instances, honoring mom and dad and the mitzvah/commandment of shooing a mother bird…
Chochmas Nashim: The Great Gift
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: GREAT GIFT By: Suri Davis This week we read two torah portions, Tazriah and Metzorah, which discusses those who were lepers as a result of sinning, and the process one has to go through to confirm a case of leprosy, and all of his belongings which have to be burned and his home…
Chochmas Nashim: The Road to Hell
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: TZAV: THE ROAD TO HELL By: Suri Davis They say: The road to hell is paved with good intentions, i.e., he meant well, but the execution fell short, or he was sidetracked in his actions. Intent: Kavanah. In this week torah’s portion, Tzav, Leviticus 7:18, there is a discussion…
Chochmas Nashim: Gratitude and/for Forgiveness
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: VAYIKRA: GRATITUDE AND FORGIVENESS By: Suri Davis We start with Leviticus/Vayikra this week which discusses the sacrifices in the Tabernacle and Temple. There are sacrifices which are each person’s desire to thank G-d for his bounty, show gratitude, and the details of these sacrifices are written before the details of the sacrifices…
Suri: Three Years Which Will Live in Infamy
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: THREE YEARS WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY By: Suri Davis This month is the three year mark since a man was taken to St. Joseph hospital in Far Rockaway and brought Covid to our community. We were in a position to deconstruct our shuls and figure out how to serve G-d individually.…
Chochmas Nashim: Creating with G-d
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: CREATING WITH G-D By: Suri Davis In this week’s torah portion, it discusses how G-d would bestow on Bezalel and Ahaliav chochmah/wisdom to build the vessels of the mishkan/travelling temple. Juxtaposed to this giving of wisdom to create the vessels of the Mishkan, is the commandment to keep the Shabbos. What is the…
Chochmas Nashim: Mishpatim: Our Kids Have Been Kidnapped
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: MISHPATIM: OUR KIDS HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED By: Suri Davis In this week’s torah portion there is an unusual juxtaposition of three verses: Exodus 21: 15-17: If a person strikes his father or his mother he must be put to death. If a person kidnaps a man, and witnesses found him in his possession…
Chochmas Nashim: When Your Enemy Falls
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: BINFOL OYVECHAH AL TISMACH By: Suri Davis On Tisha B’av, we read the book Lamentations, where Jeremiah states to our enemies, Lamentations 3:64: Requite them, G-d, according to the work of their hands.” And 4:21 “ Unto you (our enemy) will pass the wine glass of retribution, become drunk and vomit.” While…