CHOCHMAS NASHIM: BINFOL OYVECHAH AL TISMACH By: Suri Davis On Tisha B’av, we read the book Lamentations, where Jeremiah states to our enemies, Lamentations 3:64: Requite them, G-d, according to the work of their hands.” And 4:21 “ Unto you (our enemy) will pass the wine glass of retribution, become drunk and vomit.” While…
Category: Lenore Davis
Chochmas Nashim: B’shalach
CHOCMAS NASHIM: PARSHAT B’SHALACH, SHABBOS SHIRA By: Suri Davis This is the parshah of derech eretz, because we know that derech eretz kadmah l’torah, and next week is the parshah in which the torah is given. In Az Yashir, the verse states Zeh Keli v’anvehu, the Mechilta expounds that V’anvehu, and I will glorify Him,…
Chochmas Nashim: We Interrupt This Portion
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: WE INTERRUPT THIS PORTION… Suri Davis We are coming to the climax of the story of Jewish slavery in Egypt, ten plagues, Pharaoh’s obstinancy in refusing to permit the Jews to leave, and THEN… Oh by the way, this month of Nissan is going to be considered as the beginning of the…
Chochmas Nashim: The Loss of Two
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: TRAGIC LOSS OF TWO By: Suri Davis Yesterday in the news, there was a tragic loss of Boruch Taub and Binyomin Chafetz who were Ohio residents, who flew a small propeller plane from their home in Ohio to pay a shiva visit in New York. Really? Tragedy as they are coming home…
Chochmas Nashim: Who Didn’t Know
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: WHO DIDN’T KNOW By: Suri Davis The torah portion, Shemot, starts off with the verse, “A new king came upon Egypt, who didn’t know Yosef.” Really? Joseph who was second to Pharaoh and saved the region from famine on the advice of G-d to store the grain during the years of abundance, so…
A Bunch of Boys on Adderall Having a Sleep Over Party
A BUNCH OF BOYS ON ADDERALL HAVING A SLEEPING OVER PARTY By: Suri Davis Just watching the Sam Bankman-Fried interview by the NY Times/Dealbook. Almost an hour into the interview the interviewer had an epiphany, “It sounds like you were a bunch of boys on Adderall (the Add/Adhd medicine, which highly ambitious personalities (ab)use…
Chochmas Nashim: Toldot Terrorism
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: TOLDOT AND TERRORISM By: Suri Davis Genesis 26:11 The king of Canaan, Avimelech saw that Isaac and Rivka were settling the land, that they were husband and wife, and clearly thought that his nation would harm Isaac, and so Avimelech directed that no one “touch” Isaac or Rivka. That year Isaac sowed…
Chochmas Nashim: Chayei Sara: Ayshet Chayil
Chochmas Nashim: Ayshet Chayil: A Woman of Valor By: Suri Davis What have the last few parshiot/Torah portions been about and where are we now? Abraham had to leave his land and family, leave his comfort zone and Rashi states Lech Licha, go onto yourself, go to your destiny, be uncomfortable in a new land…
Suri: Chochmas Nashim: Tears Endure
Chochmas Nashim: Tears Endure By: Suri Davis On Rosh Hashanah, when we blow the shofar, the sound of the shofar is like a lamentation, like the voice of one who is crying out. The medrash asks what the purpose is of the 100 voices of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah. The answer is that it…
Chochmas Nashi: Lech Lecha: Avraham and Rachel’s Crossroad
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: LECH LECHA AND YAHRTZEIT OF RACHEL: AVRAHAM AND RACHEL’S CROSSROAD By; Suri Davis There is a prayer to say at the grave of Rachel our foremother, which includes the following: “What can we say and what can we declare? If for the first exile, which was only for seventy years, Rachel stormed…