Category: Lectures

Where Do Our Minds Go? Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS Bottles make us true believers! While tubes seem to make us committed doubters. Did you ever notice that when the Listerine is done, we have no difficulty parting with the bottle; We just turn and drop it into the garbage! Okay maybe, some let…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: YITRO: BUT FOR THIS… By: Suri Davis   In pop culture, the ten commandments are IT.  There is nothing as memorable biblically as Charleston Heston, throwing down the ten commandments in anger at the idol.  THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.  And in a few verses, this act which was the raison detre for the creation…

The Timeless Struggle! Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS Here’s how it works. Or doesn’t! This article will probably be appreciated, specifically by, most husbands. A man can get through college, then complete graduate school, land an awesome job, or start his own successful company, even, manage to impress a woman – enough to get…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: B’SHALACH: #EMUNAHGORERETEMUNAH By: Suri Davis   The Jews exit Eypt in last week’s torah portion.  They are now approach the Red Sea and the Egyptians are chasing after them.  Moshe tells them to stand there and see G-d’s miracle, but there was a disconnect, which G-d clarified by saying “Moshe, why are you…

School Break Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS We are all gearing up for vacation. What exactly does this mean? Thinking of a place to go away! Wait-it could be thinking about whether we actually even need to go away. Can a vacation be staying home? You bet. That’s my best! No packing, no shlepping,…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: REVENGE IS SWEET By: Suri Davis This week had us commemorating the 75th liberation of Auschwitz, many heads of states came to Israel and the event was lauded.  I cant help but be a bit skeptical.  It has been 75 since the liberation, 72 years since the birth of the State of Israel. …

New Hazards Your Kids are Facing Online by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff And what you can do about it. Parents are aware of the typical dangers that kids face online. We know about cyber bullying and have been given tools to watch over our children’s phones and devices. But there are new hazards threatening our children and we must arm…

Up Up and Away! Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS No please not there. No, it better not be. Oh no – Noooot that seat! They’ll shoot us. …You are walking on a plane. With your 2 year old at your side and baby in tow. And there, right in front of you, right next…

CHOCHMAS NASHIM: THE ENVY NATION By: Suri Davis   Looking back at the last few Torah portions, there is a lot of space taken about Joseph and his rise to Pharaoh’s viceroy.  His brothers are jealous of Joseph’s favored status with their father, Jacob.  Joseph was the eldest of Rachel, who was Jacob’s favorite wife. …

For God’s Sake, Wake Up by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff Confronting anti-Semitism requires empowering the next generation with knowledge and Jewish wisdom that engenders Jewish pride and strength. There was an attack on Jews in New York almost every day last week. I hear about children crying that they had bad dreams and crawling into their parents’ beds.…