A BISSEL TORAH: KI TEITZEI: READING BETWEEN THE LINES By: Suri Davis This is a parshah brimming with interesting laws. It pays to know the medrash and Jewish history to fill in the gap on a few of these laws. Just to mention a few: If there is a betrothed woman who was taken…
Category: Lectures
Shivti Bvait Hashem: Sitting in G-d’s House
What other law book discusses law by giving examples of having people breaking the law. We have the Torah, it starts with the sin of Adam and Eve and goes into Kain’s jealousy of Abel’s sacrifice being accepted by G-d, while his was rejected. Jealousy, right up there. I remember the first time I…
Why? Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS I’m not complaining. I’m just saying…. Like could you have taken it to the bank that on the summer’s very first gorgeous Sunday we’d have a Fast day? And of course, the best beach day ever?! One, so hot, we couldn’t take advantage of, or we’d…
A BISSEL TORAH: EIKEV: THE BLACKSMITHING OF THE JEWS REPORTING FROM JLI RHODE ISLAND By: Suri Davis Over the last year, I decided to read the biographies of the major Rebbes and figures of historical Lubavitch. All the Lubavitch rabbis were jailed for their religious practice including the last Rebbe, who had given a…
#Pretty Plane Girl and the Power of Our Words
#PrettyPlaneGirl and the Power of our Words Jul 18, 2018 | by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff It started as a cute online romantic tale. A woman began tweeting photos and updates of a supposed “love story” that was happening before her eyes while flying on an Alaskan Airlines flight. After requesting a seat change to sit beside her boyfriend, the…
A Bissel Torah: Pinchas The Redeemer
We recall Elijah the Prophet several times during the year. Every week, on Saturday night, as Shabbos is ebbing, and the extra Shabbos soul is waning from within us, we call out and sing for the prophet Elijah to come and announce the coming of the Messiah, the redeemer. We are in the process…
A Bissel Torah: Chukat: Blind Faith
CHUKAT:[NOT SUCH] BLIND FAITH By: Suri Davis This week’s torah portion starts with a law that is a chok, a law that has no human reason. It is G-d telling us to do something “because He says so.” The ashes of this rare red heifer purifies those who are not pure, impurifies those who…
A Bissel Torah: Korah: If I Am Not Me
Ethics of Our Father 1:14: משנה אבות א׳:י״ד (יד) הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר, אִם אֵין אֲנִי לִי, מִי לִי. וּכְשֶׁאֲנִי לְעַצְמִי, מָה אֲנִי. וְאִם לֹא עַכְשָׁיו, אֵימָתַי: Pirkei Avot 1:14 (14) He [Rabbi Hillel] used to say: If I am not for me, who will be for me? And when I am for myself alone,…
Raising Students Today- What’s the Answer
APs!??? Did they not have them when I was in high school, or was I just not a candidate? Still, let me review the concept though! Kids take college level classes in high school, that are reputed to be even more difficult than they are in college. For many, it’s for…
Over-Zealous Parenting is Harming Our Children
Over-Zealous Parenting is Harming our Children June 9, 2018 | by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff One of my favorite childhood memories is riding my bike Sunday afternoons and peddling through the sidewalks of North Woodmere. I lived in a quiet suburban community with open spaces, shady trees and lots of winding roads. These were the days before Amber Alerts, 9-11,…