Passover’s Message to Iran, Hamas and You And You Shall Teach Your Children: From Egypt to Hamas by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff April 15, 2024 The Jewish People are a nation of miracles. For the first time in history, Iran directly attacked Israel, shooting over 300 missiles and drones in a massive assault that was, thank God, repelled…
Category: Lectures
Chochmas Nashim: Of Metzorah, Missiles and Matzoh
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: OF METZORAH, MISSILES AND MATZOH By: Suri Davis My aunt Marcia died last week, and I learned while paying a shiva visit, that she always stopped veterans when she saw them to thank them for their years of service to our country. So, it was today, I was pulling out of the Woodmere…
Chochmas Nashim: Shemini: Bring Them Home
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: SHEMINI: BILVAVI MISHKAN EVNEH: BRING THEM HOME By: Suri Davis In last week’s Torah portion, Moshe was instructed to gather Aaron and his sons into the new mishkan/Tabernacle and show them how to erect it, perform the service, so that they would know how to perform this service in the future. On…
Chochmas Nashim: Tzav: Thank You President Biden
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: TZAV: BIDEN AD NAUSEUM By: Suri Davis THANK YOU MR. BIDEN, the word went out when he sent aid to Israel, at a time, and still the time when American hostages are being held by Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. I was nauseated when I saw, wave after wave of syrupy praise…
Slovie: Every Generation Has Its Evil Haman
Every generation has its evil Haman. And he doesn’t care what type of Jew you are. By: Slovie Jungreis Wolff If you think the Scroll of Esther is simply telling an ancient story, think again. Queen Esther fought hard to be sure that all of her descendants would hear her timeless story. The Scroll of…
Chochmas Nashim: Zachor: Who Can Forget?
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: ZACHOR: WHO CAN FORGET? By: Suri Davis It is not difficult for us to remember Amalek, we are experiencing it this very moment in the Gazan war. I saw two shows this year on Broadway, one was Leopoldstat and the other Lehman Brother Trilogy. The basis of the Leopoldstat was a Jewish…
Chochmas Nashim: Pikudei: Intentions
CHOCHMAS NASHIM:PIKUDEI :INTENTIONS By: Suri Davis In this week’s Haftorah, it discusses King Solomon’s dedication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem and three points stand out to me. When it was completed and the ark with the tablets of the ten commandments was placed in the holy of holies, the Temple was…
Chochmas Nashim: Vayakel: Assemblies
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: VAYAKHEL: ASSEMBLIES By: Suri Davis There are numerous times throughout this torah portion where the term Chacham Lev Ladaat/wise of the heart, to know. The term is jam packed with deep meaning of the world reality. We think of wisdom stemming from our minds and not our hearts. A wise heart is…
Slovie’s Letter to Her Son on His Wedding Day
Slovie’s Letter to Her Son on His Wedding Day This is the message I want you to always remember. My dear son, Was it not just yesterday that I cradled you in my arms, your little fingers curled around mine? I can still see your newborn body rising with each breath, feel your silken little…
Chochmas Nashim: Ki Tissa: A Few Thoughts
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: A FEW THOUGHTS By: Suri Davis This week’s torah portion discusses several interesting topics. In a discussion of the kohanim/priests preparing for service, they had to wash their hands and feet. The Ohr Hachaim comments that the way this is written in Hebrew, we interpret that they have to be washed at…