CHOCHMAS NASHIM: IF YOU BUILD IT… By: Suri Davis Every year, when we approach the many Torah portions which discuss the building of the Tabernacle and its utensils and clothes of the priests, it means something else to me. Last year, I had just seen the sophisticated relics of Mt. Vesuvius, an Italian volcano…
Category: Lectures
Chochmas Nashim: After 127 Days, Hostages Released
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: AFTER 127 DAYS, TWO HOSTAGES RELEASED By: Suri Davis The month of Adar is the month of Purim. It is not only rejoicing for the two or three days of Purim, but for the entire month. We learn from the Torah that for Sukkoth, we are to be happy, but for the…
Chochmas Nashim: Ad Masai Adonai?
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: AD MASAI ADONAI? By: Suri Davis The haftorah of this week’s Torah portion is an excerpt of Isaiah’s prophecy. Isaiah and Moses both had language impediments and were reluctant leaders. Let’s remember that Haftorahs came into our practice when it was impossible to read the Torah and is topically related to the…
Chochmas Nashim: Emunah Goreret Emunah
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: B’SHALACH: #EMUNAHGORERETEMUNAH By: Suri Davis This is a consummate Torah of Faith and Trust in G-d, who saves us from enemies, provides us with food, clothing and shelter, and hearkens our prayers. The Jews exit Egypt in last week’s torah portion. They now approach the Red Sea and the Egyptians are chasing…
Rivki: Expect the Unexpected
Expect The Unexpected Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS Let’s talk about carry-ons. Why do we drag them throughout the airport? Ok, so one reason is we need a place to hang all the extra junk we shlep or buy in the airport. Why stress our hands and shoulders. There’s a perfectly good floor…
Chochmas Nashim: Always Connected
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: BO: ALWAYS CONNECTED By: Suri Davis 27You fear not, O Jacob My servant, and be not dismayed, O Israel! for behold, I will redeem you from afar and your children from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be quiet and at ease, and there shall be none who…
Chochmas Nashim: Pharaoh Biden Forgets Joseph Israel
CHOCHMAS NASHAIM: PHARAOH BIDEN FORGETS JOSEPH ISRAEL By: Suri Davis Starting the second book of the Pentateuch, Exodus, the book begins with “a new king arises on Egypt who didn’t know Joseph.” Hmmm. One might have thought if it was centuries, or even merely decades, later, the amnesia would make sense. Joseph was…
Chochmas Nashim: Setting the Stage
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: SETTING THE STAGE Suri Davis In this week’s torah portion, Vayigash, we come to the apex of the Joseph story, the great reveal. The ten tribes sold their younger brother into slavery, he ends up as viceroy to Pharaoh, the second most powerful man in the world. By all rights, Joseph could…
Chochmas Nashim: Zos Chanukkah: Bastardization of Communication
CHOCHMAS NASHIM: ZOS CHANUKKAH: BASTARDIZATION OF COMMUNICATION Suri Davis I have written before of two concepts which resonate with me. One is Maimonides’ concept of what distinguishes man over other creations which is “adam midaber,” which literally means, man can speak. One might say that all animals speak, why is man’s speech different, and…
The Lessons of Israel War on Estate Planning for Minors
THE LESSONS OF ISRAEL WAR ON ESTATE PLANNING FOR MINORS By: Lenore S. Davis, Esq. At the end of the year, many people like to get their financial affairs in order, with one eye to tax season. While we are thousands of miles away from Israel, our heart is with Israel, and we…