Did you ever really understand the saying, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”? Well, this week I think it really came to light in stereo. Actually maybe even in surround sound. It seemed one man’s ‘celebrated winning candidate’ was another man’s ‘nightmare on steroids’. The rejoicing and revolts were of mutual intensity. How should…
Category: Lectures
White Shul Weekly Shiurim
Rabbi Feiner or Rabbi Neuburger Give a 15 Minute Shiur Each Evening between Mincha/ Maariv on Parsha/ Inyonei D’Yoma SUNDAY EVENING: Rabbi Baruch Klein: Chaburah in Likutei MaHaran & Sifrei Breslov – 8:00-8:30 PM Rabbi Shaya Kivelevitz: Mishnah Berurah 9:30-10:00 PM. MONDAY MORNING: Rabbi Feiner’s: Nach Shiur for Women-Mishlei –11:15 AM-12:15 PM MONDAY EVENING: Rabbi Feiner’s Alei Shur Shiur:…
The Key to Skinny V
The Key to Skinny V Dr. Rachael Schindler In the first article of this series I explained how I teach my clients how to work on speeding up their metabolisms and understanding the key hormones in terms of weight loss. Most people don’t believe that their metabolism is dynamic, not static and can be modified,…
Written Before the World Changed
First a short poem: By the time you read this our world will be a very different place. The White House will soon be hosting a very different face. Our lives will be changing in ways we can’t foresee. The leader may be leading by executive order alone or constitutionally. The…
Keeping a Marriage Strong
We are hardly shocked when we hear about long term relationships breaking up. Whether celebrities or neighbors down the block, divorce has become way too common. At the start of a relationship, there is intense emotion. If you scan the brain of someone in this early passionate stage of love you will find that…
A Bissel Torah: Lech Licha: …But If I Am Only For Myself, What Am I?
The Rabbis teach us: If I am not for myself, who will be? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, then when. In this week’s parshah/torah portion, we learn that Abraham is commanded to “go to himself.” What does that mean to go to one’s self? …
A Bissel Torah: Noach: A Lot on My Mind
In today’s Tanya portion, we see that everything is bashert. Even anger. Those who carry anger, are likened to idolaters, because there should be no anger when there is faith in G-d. But we see that the Torah teaches us that there were times that Moshe was angry, what is the lesson we learn? …
A Bissel Torah: Bereishit: A Paradigm for Parenting
Why did G-d create man with parents? If He created Adam and Eve from dust, then why not all humans from dust? Parenting is an important paradigm for humans. Children learn from having parents about role modelling, the depth of selfless love and open handed giving. Parents learn about G-d, and his infinite love…
A Bissel Torah: Simchat Torah
Where are we? We have just completed Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? At our Kol Nidre service on Yom Kippur, we ask G-d’s permission to pray with sinners/avaryanim. All are welcome to repent. After Yom Kippur, we are all alike, we are clean of sin, have a clean slate and are joyous in the…
A Bissel Torah: Haazinu
When I was in T.A.G. Elementary school, we were asked to learn Haazinu by heart. And we did. Until last week, I didn’t understand what was so important about Haazinu that it had to be memorized. The answer is in last week’s Parshah/torah portion, Deuteronomy 31:16, After Moses’ death, the Jews will sin, and…