Category: Slovie Jungreis-Wolff

What are real deal breakers in a relationship? What’s the greatest deal breaker when it comes to seeking a partner? According to the Wall Street Journal, the biggest turn off for both women and men was “disheveled or unclean” followed closely by “lazy” and “too needy.” A recent series of studies cited in the WSJ…

by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff Practical ways to utilize the incredible power of the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are an especially powerful time to grow. God is waiting for us to come close to Him, no matter how distant we have traveled.What is your vision for…

Are stay-at-home moms weak and dependent? Does being a stay-at-home mom while your husband is the breadwinner define you as a weak and dependent woman?Wednesday Martin seems to think so. She is a writer and social researcher whose book “Primates of Park Avenue” has got tongues wagging. In a recently penned op-ed in the New…

Do kids need spirituality? When I began my journey of connecting with parents after writing Raising a Child with Soul, there were some who could not fathom the idea that children are spiritual beings. I often recalled my father’s words as he gazed at my newborn son in the nursery. “Slova Chanalah, this little soul just arrived…

How to infuse your home with genuine joy. A woman approached me after a recent parenting lecture. “I own three houses but I don’t have any place that I can really call home. My family is filled with unhappiness and it’s miserable spending time together.” Without joy, even the most beautiful surroundings feel dark. How…