Category: Slovie Jungreis-Wolff

And how to make it right. Why do so many people struggle with feelings that they’ve made a poor choice in marriage? In his recent New York Times’ piece, Alain de Botton explains why so many people end up marrying the wrong person. We find it difficult to draw close to others. We mask our…

Melissa Work told her six-year-old son Blake to clean up his room. Blake wasn’t happy and told his mother that there were way too many toys to pick up. “Toys are your blessings,” his mother said, explaining that that there are many kids who don’t have any toys at all. Blake felt badly for these…

A young woman told me that she had fallen out of love with her husband. She explained that while there was nothing negative in her marriage, there was nothing positive either. They were co-parenting but not feeling the romance that had once existed. They tried couples therapy, but she decided it was time to tell…

  We are hardly shocked when we hear about long term relationships breaking up. Whether celebrities or neighbors down the block, divorce has become way too common. At the start of a relationship, there is intense emotion. If you scan the brain of someone in this early passionate stage of love you will find that…

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s Divorce

  Social media has gone wild with the breakup of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Headlines scream out “The Planet Is Shocked”; “Fans Mourn Brad and Angelina’s split”; “Cheer on Jennifer Aniston.” The divorce of Hollywood’s golden couple has caused a tsunami of gossipy speculation, catching more than the usual attention by Twitter and Facebook…

The three most important traits every family needs. As summer winds down we are given the opportunity to take stock of what matters most. Are there daily choices we can make that would make a difference in our homes this year? Can we implement behaviors and attitudes that help our family grow stronger? When a…