Category: Mazal Tov
Mazel Tov Shragie and Fraydee Putter upon the birth of a son. May they be zocheh l’gadlo l’torah ulchupah ulmassim tovim
Mazel tov Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Nathan upon the birth of a son to their children Binyomin and Elisheva Lerer
Mazel Tov Nesanel and Deena Feller, Hon. Jerome and Miriam Feller, Arnold and Milie Levine, Shawn and Tsipora Karp, Mrs. Schechter, upon the birth…
Mazel Tov to Arielle and Moshe Wolfsohn upon the engagement of their son, Jojo to Rivka Bouskila, daughter of Dan and Shoshana (Englander) Bouskila
Mazel Tov to Srully and Malka Wolfsohn upon the birth of a son. Mazel Tov to the honored grandparents, Moshe and Arielle Wolfsohn and…
Mazel Tov Nesanel and Dena Feller upon the engagement of their daughter Shayna to Avi Zelefsky of Teaneck, New Jersey, son of David and…
Mazel Tov to our members, Yaffa and Yehuda Klinkowitz, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ari. Mazel Tov as well to the grandparents,…
Mazel tov Steve and Marjorie Kellner on the engagement of their daughter Rebecca to Steven Braid
Mazel Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Zalman Wolowik upon the bar mitzvah of their son Shalom Dovber.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Yakov Gade upon the engagement of their daughter Odelia to Dovi Tessler of Toronto