Category: Mazal Tov
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Meir Resnick upon the engagement of their daughter Dina to Chaim Zev Frank of Kew Gardens
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Fay Elefant upon the birth of a granddaughter born to her children Daniel and Leora Elefant
Mazel Tov to Elliott and Miriam Safer upon the engagement of their son Dovi to Kaila, daughter of Robyn and Adam Grossblatt, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Meir Resnick upon the engagement of their daughter Dina to Chaim Zev Frank of Kew Gardens
Mazel Tov Esther and Heshy Wein upon the marriage of their son Shimy to Rachel Dykman of Texas.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Sam Schlagbaum upon the marriage of their daughter Ronit to Benjamin Ramras
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Oppenheimer upon the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Breindy to Ariel Lewis
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Ushi Klein upon the birth of a baby girl
To Yaakov and Suri Lewis on the birth of a grandson
Mazel Tov to Theresa and Dr. Omid Alyeshmerni on the engagement of their son Ezra to Tova Wieder, daughter of Sharon and Ari Wieder;…