Category: Mazal Tov
Mazel Tov to Talia and Elie Erreich, on the birth of a baby boy.
Mazel Tov Adam and Riki Fishbein on the engagement of their daughter, Chana, to Mendel Friedman of Crown Heights.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Unger upon the birth of a granddaughter born to their children Adina and David Yedlin
Mazel Tov to Dr. & Mrs. Chaim Ehrlich upon the birth of a granddaughter born to their children Elisheva and Aron Shapiro in Israel
Mazel Tov to Doni and Rochel Leah Blumenthal upon the birth of their daughter. A special Mazel Tov to the Grandparents Dean and Gale…
Mazel tov Estelle and Elazar Aryeh on the engagement of their daughter, Sara to Duvie Baron. Mazel tov to the grandmother, Mrs. Nava Aryeh.
Mazel Tov Shmuel and Bettina Kopolovitz upon the birth of a son, and to the grandparents, Michael and Gila Koplovitz and family.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs Sammy Tuchman upon the engagement of their daughter Shoshi to Ari Hagler of Bergenfield NJ.
Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. David and Daniella Liechtung on the birth of a boy.
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Mindy Schwartzblatt upon the birth of a grandson to her children Eitan and Aliza Jacob.