Category: Mazal Tov
Mazel Tov to Tova & Moshe Underweiser, and Ariella & Steven Geller on the engagement of their son Yisroel Mayer Geller to Tzippy Goldblatt,…
Esther and Shimi Garrel on the birth of twin boys; to the grandparents Cheryl and Elisha Brecher, and Elisheva and Dr. Jay Garrel; and…
Mazel Tov Mark and Gitty Bodner upon the birth of a great grandson to their grandchildren Shaindy and Pinchus Himy and to the grandparents,…
Mazel Tov Rabbi Dovid and Rebbetzin Spiegel on the engagement of their granddaughter, and to their children, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Sender Glick
Mazal Tov to Chaya and Josh Glikman upon the birth of a granddaughter, to their children Sara and Akiva Wagner
Mazal Tov to Melissa & Rabbi Lewis Wienerkur on the birth of a new grandson to their children Eliana & Adam Kaufler
Mazel Tov Gayle and Dean Blumenthal on the birth of a grandson, Akiva Ahron, to their children Brocha and Aryeh Blumenthal
Mazel Tov to Mr & Mrs Robert Zimmerman and Mr & Mrs Harry Zlotnick upon the engagement of their children Zahava to Yoeli.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Marc Kwestel upon the birth of a granddaughter born to their children Ezra & Elana Kwestel and Mazel…
Mazel Tov to Dr. Chaim and Alyssa Winter upon the engagement of their daughter Alex to Ben Taragin of Silver Springs Maryland, son of…