We regret to inform you of the passing of
Aliza Cohen z”l
Beloved mother of our esteemed member Limor (David) Decter
and beloved wife of Yossi CohenFuneral
The levaya will take place tomorrow,
Friday, February 7, at 11:00amCongregation Beth Sholom
390 Broadway
Lawrence, NY 11559Burial at New Montefiore
Sunday Shacharis 9 AM, Chabad Port Washington, 80 Shore RoadMonday, Tuesday, & Wednesday Shacharis 7;30 AM Chabad Port Washington
Mincha Mariv at 5 PM at 135 Soundview Drive, starting Sunday
Visiting Hours
Saturday night until 9;30 PM
Sunday 10 AM – 8 PM
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
10AM until 1 PM
4 PM until 8;30 PM