Raising Students Today- What’s the Answer




Did they not have them when I was in high school, or was I just not a candidate?


Still, let me review the concept though!


Kids take college level classes in high school, that are reputed to be even more difficult than they are in college. For many, it’s for the purpose of getting into, or impressing, the college- to show that they are capable in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade of advanced placement. And I guess show they are already smarter than the kids that the colleges have in their colleges already. So why exactly do they need to go to college?


And, based on that reasoning, why can’t they take high school level classes in elementary school and avoid high school?


In fact, why don’t they just take all the classes in preschool, and call it a day.


You know, it would go something like this- preschool – then off to join the work force.


And this will actually be easy soon, because cars will drive themselves. Lucky you, just get them through toilet training, and you’re done.  You won’t even have to car pool.


Look, preschool is all about water play, sand play, art projects and negotiating turns. If they enjoy these activities so much why not just let them go directly in to plumbing, real estate, decorating, or negotiating terms?!


Also, parents are anxious these days. Because not enough Kids are keeping busy with toys, or running around outside. Instead, they seem to discover social media or Xbox, at such a young age, and it seems we are losing them to a virtual world.


At least if they work they’ll be dealing with reality. What do you think?


Honestly, I’m not truly advocating pushing them out so quickly, especially when it’s so difficult to order in puréed food. And they’re probably just getting into solids.


The truth is we want those years with them.

The mommy and me’s!

The playgrounds!

The family outings.

Though, I guess it would be nice to avoid all those years of homework tensions.


Therefore, what’s the answer? Don’t push them!  I guess let them register for APs if they really want to. But, fear not, they have plenty of time to do college in college


And, if you’re worried that their wasting too much time in the meantime on their phones, computers, or Xboxes, try to identify along with them, something else that interests them. And create opportunities for them to pursue it.


Being a parent is challenging these days. But so is being a kid. Team up and see if you can make it through with the least amount of wear and tear.


So, AP to you!  Just – Apply Patience!!!!!



Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com

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