Rivki: Good Morning?!

Good Morning?!

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

Or is it?

Am I really ready to get up?

Can I hit snooze again?

Maybe I overestimate how much time I need to get ready in the morning. Perhaps,  I can just go back to sleep for 10 extra minutes.

Worst case,  I can take a 5 minute shower instead of 10. Use instant coffee instead of brewed. And WHAT an IDEA  – go down the steps by twos and thereby pick up the 10 minutes I lost. Maybe even, go down steps by threes, and get back the brew time.

Wait,  maybe I can just jump the railing and have a full fledged breakfast. Ok, maybe I’m getting  a little delirious with that thought.

But wouldn’t a few extra minutes of shut eye be nice?!

The inventor of that snooze setting was a genius!

But guess what? I happen not to use  it. Though, I  see how great it is for people who struggle to get up right away. I happen to wake up pretty awake. Therefore , when  I desire to stay  in bed longer, it’s less about  the wish to sleep more  and more about being somewhat overwhelmed by the day ahead!

I’m sure many people might feel that same thing:

So much on their  plate.

Some unpleasant tasks to get done.

Not enough sleep to get through the whole day. (Though, that thought  probably happens less where people have a midday siesta. Even though  I can’t figure out why people want to do all of that sleep prep and waking prep twice a day! One time a day keeps me busy enough. Doing Makeup, Getting dressed, washing up, brushing teeth hair or lint etc. And then doing and undoing  it all again!

Continuing with challenges to waking up….  Then there’s those midnight alarms some people have to deal with. And I don’t mean the ones you set!  I mean the ones you give birth to!

You know how it happens. You  think you hear crying  down the hall. You try to decide is that a kid crying in the distance or just a dream. You try to hold on to that sleep-state  long enough for both of you to fall back to sleep. If you’re  lucky sometimes they do. Other times,  you may feel them crawl up beside you in bed.Then if you can find a position between their legs under your body or their bodies accross your legs, you may still hold onto that desired sleep-state.

That is -until you feel the wetness seeping all around your body !  Uhhh , Who put on their pullup so slackly?!

Some people say, who needs an alarm when you have kids to wake you?

Others say,  just put an alarm on your bedroom door and they  can’t wake you.

Some people say, why fight the inevitable, you need to get up eventually, just bite the ‘bullet’ and get up with the first alarm! Others say, ‘shoot me first !

The bottom line is staying asleep

 sometimes can be a struggle and so can getting up!  So anytime one can say good morning, don’t take it lightly. It may have taken a good amount of work to get there!

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivkirosenwald@gmail.comd

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