Rivki: The Coffee Experience

That Coffee Experience 

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

Mine is most enjoyed with Coffee Mate Vanilla in it. The bottle is marked as Zero sugar- whatever that means? Cause it’s sweeter than honey. So I’m speculating that the zero means the person putting it in, got a zero at controlling the sugar. 

Oh, and I like lots of Ice. 

Also, preferably- Decaf.  So, I’m not even sure that I can be called a true-blue ice coffee drinker. 

In fact – I’m not even sure I can be called a true coffee drinker at all! Because, I have a confession to make, I still ask for small, medium, or large when I go to Starbucks. 

And I’d guess a real coffee drinker would at least get that down. I just have no idea what their fancy Frenchsizes are called. 

Nor do I care to know them!  After all, this is America. If that gets them all bent out of shape let them not serve me coffee. I don’t really love coffee that much to begin with. Honestly, I’m usually ordering an ice passion tea anyway! 

But, I would be offended if they held back

on that! Because, I do like passion! And well, if you think about it-passion is a French concept. Therefore, I might entertain learning their sizes to guarantee me that drink.   

So-What’s your ice coffee favorite?! 

I know this is a very important concept for many.  In fact, I’m probably the least qualified person to write this article. Cause hot or iced, I know a minimum about coffee. But, I do notice there is a hot coffee and coldcoffee culture.  

I may be getting this wrong, but it seems that Hot Coffee drinkers are the real serious ones. For them, it’s rarely about the influencing flavors.  It’s usually about the brew itself.  Oh – the flavor does matter but it’s a anactual coffee flavor they are hunting for, not hazelnut, caramel, or chocolate cheese cake.  

With iced coffee drinkers there is a whole science at work. The prep is as detailed as a lab experiment. All the amounts put in are quite integral to the outcome. And all the accompanying features are of utmost important to the final product.  The ratios play a major role: coffee to water -Ice to liquid-Sweetener to container size- Flavor to brew. None of this is arbitrary. 

Furthermore, the size of the cup itself is absolutely an essential element to the drinker’s enjoyment. And whether the cup is clear or opaque makes a huge difference to how refreshing it ultimately feels. 

Then again, I know there is some major agita in the air because of the plan to curb plastic straws. This is half the success of getting to that perfect sip. 

I know people who have been hoarding plastic straws for quite some time. If you think ‘bit coins’ are popular you are missing the drama around plastic straws. There is a major untapped market there!  

My neice started parking her car in the driveway in order to free up her garage as a plastic straw preserve. After all, her car is not in danger of being constructed completely out of paper any day now. Maybe, it will drive away on its own soon, but at least it won’t disintegrate if exposed to water. 

This ice coffee culture fills a lot of needs. 

For some, it’s something to imbibe and have hit the spot right away. For others, it’s something to keep with them for hours like a trusted friend. Something to go through their daily grind with them. That dependable companion that has no agenda of their own just there for you whatever you need. 

It seems it can accomplish a lot; refresh, accompany, invigorate, reinvigorate, quench, soothe, or just be that elixir that does the magic that so many are seeking to help them sail through their day. 

Whatever, it does do – it’s clear it’s not just about having the old ‘pick me up’ cup of coffee or simply having a drink. It’s much more than that!  

What it is -IS, as the Israelis say- a total chavaya!  In other words, a total experience!!!

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivkirosenwald@gmail.com

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