Rivki: Today’s Epiphany!!

Today’s Epiphany!

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

So here it is. The amazing revelation. We are all salads.

Yes, salads.

Go figure….

Did you ever realize that you were a salad?

It was this week’s epiphany!

So, what am I saying?

We are colorful, of course ….

We have variety to us.

And we all would like to try and be healthy all the time.

We can be simple or complicated.

Even at times -dressed or undressed!

Now let’s look at a salad more closely. It wants to be healthy yet sometimes it gets sabotaged. That happens when people try to make it more fun or interesting. But then again isn’t that how we sometimes sabotage our own health. We want to do something that feels more fun or interesting yet, at times isn’t necessarily good for us.

We are all people with many sides to us. We can have lots going on or we can keep it simple.  And Doesn’t that continue to sound salad-like.

‘Lettuce’ , just be honest. We may look constructed more solidly but when we get right down to it, we are just as mixed up as any medley of vegetables. Come on. Isn’t it true that besides earning our income and ‘celery’, working on our marriages while simultaneously respecting the obligations that come with our ‘carrot’ rings, we are daily ‘tossed’ in many directions?

Yes, and similarly, at times we add a little nuttiness to spruce things up. And at times we are green with envy. And other times we just enjoy being thrown together and being one big happy group.

Yes, we do resemble salads. They often have big hearts of palm. While we just have plain old big hearts.

But there’s no question about it- We love to be there for people. And we like to try and be at every meal!!!!!

So not the worst thing to identify with after all?!  Healthy, bright and desired!

So, tell me – epiphany or what?

Rivki Rosenwald is a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in strengthening relationships, and family issues,  and  co-creator of Madraigos program offered nationwide helping parents navigate the adolescent years. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivkirosenwald@gmail.com

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