My Son’s in I.C.U., Let’s Count the Blessings


I am not sure if this is even appropriate at this time.  It is in the middle of the night and I cant sleep.  Im in pediatric intensive care unit and my son is fighting two infections.  I’ve been saying tehilim most of the night, and I have committed myself to a program of looking at adversity and trying to see the good.  In other words I’m sitting here making lemonade.

I have just missed my dear friends Alyssa and Chaim’s wedding, my heart is sinking throughout the night that I am not there.  But I am looking for the good so,

Here goes:

Baruch Hashem his illness came when I was home.  I have just returned from a retreat on the west coast.  Had I been there, it would have taken me a full day to come home, and crucial decisions, the wrong decisions, could have caused my son his life.

I had arranged with two friends to attend the wedding.  It just so happens, that both their husbands are pediatricians.  When I told them why I had to cancel, they both stayed in touch throughout the day.  I told them that the doctors at South Nassau wanted to do two major procedures on my son.  Both doctors said they were wary about the decision and encouraged me to take him to a children’s hospital.  BH I listened to them because at the children’s hospital they informed me both procedures were unnecessary, and one of them could have killed my son in his weakened state.  That was a huge yad hashem.  I was sooooo very upset to have to miss the wedding, but it was the wedding plans that saved my son from two unnecessary major procedures, and maybe even his life.

When I knew that I didn’t like how the doctors were handling my sons situation and I wanted him transferred to a new hospital, I faced tremendous opposition to the transfer from within the hospital.  All of a sudden, one doctor appeared and said that my son needed a pediatric specialist and the hospital policy was that their own doctor, who was a specialist could not do the procedure on a child, the hospital then endorsed my decision to transfer where new doctors confirmed neither procedure was necessary.  Transfer was done.  Yad Hashem.

The list has more points, but I’ll stop here.  G-d’s hand is everywhere, you just need a special prism, the faith prism.  It makes it that much easier to see miracles large and small.

See the blessings and curses, make the curses into lemonade.  Overcome them to build the inner wherewithal muscle.

Shabbat shalom.


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