Suri: Shaar Habitachon: G-ds Trustworthiness


The author, Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Pekuda started his book asking the question, why we should trust in G-d.

He now turns to the process of accepting and incorporating trust of G-d in our every day lives.

We’ve discussed the qualities of trustworthiness which G-d has which  make him uniquely deserving of our undying trust.

  1. G-d has compassion, empathy and love
  2. G-d will not ignore man or become lax in fulfilling man’s wishes.
  3. Nothing and no one will be an obstacle to G-d’s fulfilling man’s requests
  4. G-d knows whats truly in man’s best interest
  5. G-d has been the only one to care for man from conception through old age
  6. Man is completely in the hands of G-d to help him and relies on G-d to be beneficent, and keep him safe and secure
  7. G-d is infinitely generous and kind to those who are deserving… and not deserving

We continue the biblical verses which are a source for and support our knowledge of G-d’s attributes which lend themselves to our trusting in him.

This revelation of biblical sources is not proof that deserves our trust, for G-d doesn’t need to prove anything to us, merely of divine revelation of G-d’s nature and character.  Last class, we discussed the first three verses, and we complete the verses this class which reveal G-d’s attributes in the holy books.


  1. G-d knows whats truly in man’s best interest

Isaiah 40:28:


“do you not know, if you have not heard, an everlasing G-d is the lrd, the creator of the ends of the earth?  He neither tires, nor wearies, there is no fathoming his understanding.”

It can be seen from the playing out of history throughout the bible, as examples,  jews in egypt, they are redeemed with great miracles.  Joseph thrown into a pit, becomes viceroy to pharoah.  While we think he doesn’t know our situation, we see he knows, and acts, in ways only he understands.

  1. G-d cares for man from conception through old age.

Deuteronomy: 32:6

Is he not your fathr and master? He has made you and established you.

This verse was said by moses, as he stands before the jews who are entering the promised land of israel.  He will die and not lead them into israel, he wants to ensure them that no matter what they do, G-d is there to care for them for eternity.

Like a father who always loves his child, he might need to admonish and punish, but his arms are always ready to bring the child closer.

  1. G-d provides for man and keeps him safe

Lamentations 3:37-38:

Who has commanded and it come to pass, unless G-d ordained it?

Jeremiah, a prophet during the time of the destruction of the holy temple, saw its destruction, wrote the book describing the period of time of the destruction of the temple and reported on the destruction.

In the course of nature, one might have said that the the roman king, titus, out-powered the jews and, as in any war, defeated the jews.

Not so, reports jeremiah.  True, titus destroyed the temple, as did the babylonian king, nevuchadnezar who destroyed the first temple, but neither of them could have succeeded without G-d commanding it to be so.  This is revealed in the book of numbers, torah portion of balak, who hired bilam to curse the jews.  Bilam was very clear to balak, numbers 23:8

How can i curse, he who G-d has not cursed?  An acknowledgment, that one cannot act for or against another, if it is not pre-ordained by G-d.

When nevuchadnezar and titus came to destroy our temples, we were not to focus on them, who destroyed us, we are to focus inwardly and ask what it is within ourselves, that G-d permitted these men to destroy our temples, and send the nation into exile of thousands of years.


  1. G-d is infinitely kind and generous to those who are deserving and those not deserving. Psalms 145:


You open your hand and satisfy every living thing with its desire.”

One might worry whether he is deserving of G-d’s blesssing, for there is no man on earth who hasn’t sinned.  We are comforted by knowing that G-d cares even for those who are not deserving of his generosity and beneficence.

There are those who are poor and wanting, how do we understand that they have everything they need?  The lubavitcher rebbe said in a discourse, that some are given more than they need, and it is for the purpose of providing for the poor.  G-d provides, it is up to man to do what is right in ensuring their abundance is shared with those in need.


In sum: these verses placed in our scripture and prayers are to act as daily reminders of the seven unique qualities of G-d, throughout our day, and on a daily basis.  It reassures us that our trust in G-d, all day, everyday, is well placed.  G-d who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent provides only that which is good for man all day every day for his entire life.



I am suri davis-stern, be bitachon

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