What’s In A Shape?
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
Show me the box. I just want to see that box.
I need to understand what is so terrific about it?
Or- in the alternative what is so terrible about it?
Everyone is either feeling so happy and confident because they are in it or frustrated because they are not!
But then of course some people take pride in being out of it. Though, when that happens there’s often a parent or family member somewhere pulling their hair out because the person is not in the box.
I don’t know any saying that is used more these days to explain people than- In the box or out of the box.
The problem is no one is sure what box exactly is being discussed.
I know an out of the box thinker who appears to be completely in the box.
Now explain what I just said, and I bet we’ll have at least a hundred different interpretations.
It’s funny that in this past week’s parsha they say Jacob was in big trouble for hiding his daughter Dina from Essau in “the box”. Wait – I thought that’s the right place to be?!
Go figure that it was a problem even back then!
Interestingly – I thought the last place people wanted to wind up was in a box. Because that usually meant it was curtains for them. And in Israel they don’t even use one then! They just envelope you in a talit- no box at all!
So maybe being in or out of the box needs to be given less credence.
Can’t we just realize that people are multilayered. Even identical twins seem to be so, so different.
We are all here to do some things. Maybe our mission is mainstream at one point, and creatively different at another. Maybe it depends on the time, the audience, the place.
What if we just recognize everyone’s in the circle. The giant circle called the universe.
And let’s give everyone some latitude to be who they are and who they will become. And give them respect that they are not caged in to any exact description. Because after all we are all here to grow and evolve. And become a well-rounded person not a square!
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com