When Sleep Alludes You

When Sleep Alludes You?!
Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

Don’t think I’m writing this in the middle of the night because I can’t sleep!


Ok, I take it back. That’s exactly why I am!


Sleep is that funny thing that:


little kids avoid but certainly need or maybe really parents need them to get.

Adolescence avoid but, often overly embrace simultaneously.


New Mothers and fathers crave but, can’t really recall what it feels like. Especially for a full night!


And thinking adults find they want, but their minds have a different plan for them.


Sleep, fortunately, is not typically a challenge for me. Yet, I know many people struggle with either falling asleep or staying asleep.


Sometimes, it’s just about the other person in the room.


For instance, you’ve actuality got no problem with sleep – till they do! They’ve got the light on, or some technology blasting, or their sipping some tea, or they’re just turning and twisting, and their struggle messes up your sleep.


Worse yet, is when they are in fact fast asleep and still messing up your sleep. Unbeknownst to them they are producing a minor symphony. They are snoring away to their heart’s delight but you’re the one staying up listening to it!


Then there are those people who just wake up after a few hours of shut eye with nowhere to go and nothing special to do! They know they are out of REM. But feel they need REM! And not the old interpretation – Rapid Eye Movement. They be happy to have even slow relaxing eye movement, rather they feel they-Require Extra Melatonin!


And for some that actually works but for others it’s just a myth.


So, they get up and feel they’ll be productive. Oy- that’s where the trouble really starts.


Productive at night but exhausted during the day!


But, what else is one to do when sleep alludes them?!


Open the light read a little, play some soft music or watch something, or get a warm drink, and try staying in bed so you don’t fully wake up. Though it may mean some twisting or turning. And sometimes this really works.


The only problem is the other person in the room spends the next day exhausted. Because someone in their room kept them up all night sipping, listening, watching, and twisting and turning. And often, even fell asleep with the light and noise still blaring!


For those who suffer this type of PTSD, Passive Two-in-a room Sleep Disorder, assuming you are not tactilely sensitive, just prepare. Put a pair of ear plugs and an eye mask near the bed and go to sleep with your defenses ready.

However – if these defense items tickle you or tortures you, since you’re really not the one with the original sleep problem, you may need to resort to your own REM – Request Exiting MySpace!


Still, be cautious to request this only 50% of the time, after all it’s their bedroom too!


Then again you could get a good book and a cup of hot cocoa and realize that if you can’t beat them it’s good to join them!


And suddenly instead of just feeling that sleep is alluding you, you’ve entered a whole different type of REM- a Remarkably Exquisite Meeting-of-the minds!






Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com

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