Where Am I Heading

Where Am I Heading

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

I’d like to call this – Life after corona!

However, that would be pure projection. Right now, it’s life during corona.

The question is, is that necessarily all bad?

Like everything else it depends on 2 giant things: your reality and your perception of reality.

A while ago you may have had a job and not liked it. Now, you like it, if you have a job.

A while ago you might have wished your kids hung around more. Now, you might feel more like hanging your kids.

A while ago your  help didn’t do a good enough job cleaning.  Now, you’ve got yourself that job, and it’s enough cleaning!

A while ago you cared what someone’s face looked like. Now, if you see their face, you don’t want to look.

A while ago you had Passover plans. Now, all your plans, have been passed over!

Life is surreal these days.  Or Is it just different than what we were expecting?

And if that’s all that’s changed for you, then embrace the good stuff it brought you – Anything-  a new opportunity, less commuting , time with family,  whatever.

It is true some really sad and difficult things have taken place. There’s no denying that.

However, how we move forward after it happens is where our power kicks in. And that’s no different than life always has been. We can’t always control what happens to us. What we can control is our reaction to it.

So, what will life be like after corona… a big part of it is not out there. Rather it’s in you. It is how you handle each day, each challenge, and each gift.

Life is not just what happens. It’s who you are becoming as things are happening.

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com

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